Tagged with wildlife - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/wildlife/feed.rss Thu, 13 Jun 24 18:15:08 +0000 Tagged with wildlife - Personal View Talks en-CA Oregon I http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8225/oregon-i Tue, 24 Sep 2013 22:32:31 +0000 pvjames 8225@/talks/discussions Here's some clips of Oregon. I know i'll be laughed at but i actually believed i experienced hearing Bigfoot/Sasquatch twice deep in the Redwood Forest.

Dyrafjordur Trailer, A documentary shot in Iceland http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5604/dyrafjordur-trailer-a-documentary-shot-in-iceland- Fri, 28 Dec 2012 18:50:55 +0000 Imagitoriam 5604@/talks/discussions

A feature length documentary on life in Dyrafjordur, a beautiful and remote region in the West Fjords of Iceland.

Which settings to use on GH2 for winter garden wildlife in the UK? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5338/which-settings-to-use-on-gh2-for-winter-garden-wildlife-in-the-uk Fri, 30 Nov 2012 18:38:42 +0000 SAS 5338@/talks/discussions Hi again people of personal view!

I want to thank everyone who has helped me out with information so far. I plan to donate a small amount to the site soon, having some financial issues currently though.

Anyway, I have a GH2. I also have FLow Motion V2.2 on a 32gb Class 10 Transcend SD card. I also have Kit Lens 14-140 & an M42 -> M43 adapted Helios 44-2 Lens.

I would like to know which settings (iso, etc etc) to use for wildlife photography and video work in my garden in the UK this December.

I have some time off from studies so wish to film a wildlife short based in my garden. If you can help I really appreciate your time!


GH2 and Wildlife filmmaking http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1281/gh2-and-wildlife-filmmaking Tue, 25 Oct 2011 22:29:43 +0000 Faudel 1281@/talks/discussions @driftwood or any user of the nice driftwood hack !
I dont own a GH2 yet so...
Could you post videos using the "intrhack" ,ETC mode and a long focal lens or even extreme telephoto lens(the longest you have :p) ?
It seems the hack could open mindblowing possibilities in wildlife filmmaking,for example; capture some amazing animal behavior without being intrusive where cameras like Ex1 are still kings due to their 1/2" sensor.
Thank you.