Tagged with shoot - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/shoot/feed.rss Sun, 02 Jun 24 10:23:25 +0000 Tagged with shoot - Personal View Talks en-CA Best camera for a documentary project? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13008/best-camera-for-a-documentary-project- Tue, 19 May 2015 20:48:24 +0000 tomasawyer 13008@/talks/discussions Hello everyone.

I will potentially be shooting a 'documentary-style' like shoot for a client that wants his house to be documented over the period of one year. As of now it is still a building site and the house's outer structure is almost done. The client wants the show to be stylised in the style of 'Grand Designs'.

I currently have a Lumix GH4 with 14-35 F2.8 lens.

I also still have a Sony HDR-FX1E from past projects.

( http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/356387-REG/Sony_HDRFX1E_HDR_FX1E_PAL_HDV_1080i.html )

The client does not care about 4K option and would want the final product be in 1080 anyway.

Might be a silly question but what camera should I use from those two? I don't want to shoot 1080 on the GH4 and the 4K transcoding and editing in 1080 would be painful especially for a project this long (and the size of the footage and backups would be exponentially bigger)

There is also a budget for a possibility to buy a new camera just for this project - any recommendations?


Filming a Wedding with the BlackMagic! http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11850/filming-a-wedding-with-the-blackmagic Wed, 26 Nov 2014 13:15:06 +0000 Gardner 11850@/talks/discussions I'm a firm believer that the best practice is to get out there and film, and not just of static plant life (unless you're contracted by National Geographic). I recently acquired the BlackMagic Camera (not the pocket), and I wanted to film a wedding with it. The camera, rig, and battery pack were a combined 35 lbs, so while filming the wedding it felt as if I were working out the whole time. Although I'm sure that the weight issue might of had something to do with me not balancing the rig correctly, I still came out with a wedding that I was proud of. While I don't suggest filming a wedding with the BlackMagic Camera, the flat profile and dynamic range really helped out in a pinch. All in all, I'll need to start some weight lifting if I'm to shoot more weddings with it but I think I prefer the dynamic range it gives me over the resolution of my GH2. Check out my wedding and enjoy!

Mic Challenge - Help me mic this tough scene http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11003/mic-challenge-help-me-mic-this-tough-scene Thu, 07 Aug 2014 23:35:45 +0000 matt_gh2 11003@/talks/discussions Hoping to hear from the audio experts and others with great ideas, because I have a scene that needs to be shot in a few weeks that I think may be tough. Okay here's the scene: we've got a man indoors, in a large jail cell room, might have tall ceilings, might not, but might be an echo issue too. The scene will last 6-7 minutes during which time the man will be moving around, sometimes waving his arms angrily, sometimes yelling and screaming, and other times talking in a normal voice. My concerns are that if I set levels on recorder to properly record the normal speaking, then the yelling will clip. I am also concerned that if I use a hidden lav on the actor, that I will get handling noise, particularly since he's moving around and waving his arms quite a bit. He'll also be walking around the room ( 12 ft x 12 ft area), and might occasionally turn away from camera while speaking.

So with all those difficulties, how would you mic this scene. I have a recorder and a lav mic, but can buy or rent more recorders and mics (boom, lav, or whatever type is needed), basically whatever is needed, I'll get. So what do you recommend?

Point and Shoot Basic Question http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9327/point-and-shoot-basic-question Sun, 12 Jan 2014 23:30:43 +0000 ragnar 9327@/talks/discussions Is it true that if I zoom in a bit on my point and shoots cams that my images will be a bit sharper? The range of my Canon S110 and S100 are 24mm to 120mm. So would, say 60mm produce a sharper image than either 24mm or 120mm?

Also, do these point and shoot cams also have an F-stop sweet spot like my Lumix 100-300 lens where between f5 or f8 is its sharpest. Is that the same for point and shoots?

Harold House

Visual ideas for shooting live music performance http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5763/visual-ideas-for-shooting-live-music-performance Sun, 13 Jan 2013 08:35:42 +0000 Mark_the_Harp 5763@/talks/discussions I think this is a great example of a simple video of a performance. I'm guessing it was probably done in more than one take, but what I really love is the use of focus pulls, particularly where several "planes" are involved, and also the shots of the performers at the start of the video. It captures perfectly what goes through your mind as a performer before starting a piece.

This is a link to the facebook page - I can't find out where the original source video is so you'll have to visit the page to see this. Well worth it, though, for anyone considering doing video of performance, just for some ideas.


While you can do an imaginative video using all sorts of locations and parallel stories, I think it's a challenge to do an interesting video of performers which just concentrates on them throughout. I really like what they've done here and would be interested in seeing any other examples of video which is confined to the one location.

Fake hypodermic needle http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5652/fake-hypodermic-needle Thu, 03 Jan 2013 19:42:40 +0000 f1lm3r 5652@/talks/discussions I've looked everywhere and it seems the only way I can get my hands on a fake hypodermic needle that retracts is to rent one for $75-150 a week or buy one for nearly $500.00. I only need it for 2 days, on separate weeks. So you can see it would be quite expensive to rent. Is there anyone on here that has made one or where I can buy one for cheaper? Or willing to make one?

Any tips for shooting my first music video? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4191/any-tips-for-shooting-my-first-music-video Thu, 09 Aug 2012 18:49:56 +0000 jimtreats 4191@/talks/discussions Hi folks,

I've got a local band interested in shooting a music video or two with me after I showed them some footage I got of a small gig of there's shot handheld live with a single camera.

I need to flesh it out with them some more, just exactly what sort of things they're looking for but thought it'd be a nice thing to ask if anyone here had any tips about attempting my first one?

I think we'll be shooting multiple takes with the band miming over the top of a sync track which will be used for the actual audio in the final video. I guess I'm wondering first about the best way to tackle the syncing issue. I'll record with the camera the sound in the room so should be able to here this sync track and sync all the clips to the actual music properly before I start editing... Wondering the best way to go about that tho, obviously can't rely on a clapperboard as such, and when the artists start miming to the track I'll likely hear they're instruments over the sync track so I wonder if having a small bit of un-mimed to music at the front of every take may be the best idea for having something clear to sync with.

I'll try to edit with FCPX, I guess it's multicam work of sorts, not sure if that update dropped.

Who knows how it'll go, I look forward to trying, and would greatly appreciate any suggestions from anyone else on here who's more experienced in these matters.



Let It Rain - A Rainy Day Shoot http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2919/let-it-rain-a-rainy-day-shoot Wed, 18 Apr 2012 05:15:19 +0000 arteology 2919@/talks/discussions

There was a hailstorm here last week. Luckily we had the camera with us at the right time. Our friends had a really good time playing in the rain, we tried to capture some of the enjoyable moments and thought of making it into a small music video. Also this is the first time we tried to pull off some ultra slow motion shots with our Canon 550D. Hope you all like it. Thanks

Not a test video - GH13 Handheld Hong Kong http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1686/not-a-test-video-gh13-handheld-hong-kong Thu, 08 Dec 2011 16:59:55 +0000 Rambo 1686@/talks/discussions
Hand held GH13 with the awesome Lpowell 75 Peak performance patch.
All 14 - 140 kit lens with ND4
Shot 720p 50fps in Creative Movie mode/shutter priority 1/100
No Tripod or post stabilization used
Graded in Sony Vegas Pro

Basically, i set zoom, press the lock AF/AE button (which snaps focus sets Exposure) and press video record button.
The Gh1 did a pretty good job considering the challenging lighting conditions (haze) and amount of movement. Jello is hard to find.

If you love Hong Kong, the scenic views from the circumnavigation of HK Island will delight you.

Cheers R
