Tagged with rgb - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/rgb/feed.rss Sun, 02 Jun 24 10:37:55 +0000 Tagged with rgb - Personal View Talks en-CA HKC B6000/B7000 - 25inch/27inch 2k IPS Monitor - $340 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/18556/hkc-b6000b7000-25inch27inch-2k-ips-monitor-340 Fri, 22 Dec 2017 12:21:13 +0000 shoe_e 18556@/talks/discussions enter image description here So normally I'm pretty selfish about these things. If I find something super awesome floating out among the interwebs, I tend to keep them to myself until I've made sure I've had my fill. Having said that, I actually bit the bullet (since I already had 2 very solid ips panels, 1 decent ultrawide ips, and one super cheap ips panel), and bought myself the 25" B6000. If you can find the B7000 in stock somewhere, good for you. I'm always searching for stuff, so I always find all this random stuff on places like Gearbest, or Lightinthebox, or Banggood. Most of it is untested and have little to no reviews, but for certain things I'm willing to be the guinea pig. In the case of the HKC B6000, the sleekness and alleged specs seemed way too awesome for the price. enter image description here

After some painstaking Google Translate and tons of research, I managed to find some fantastic reviews of the monitor. They were all in a foreign language (which to me is pretty much anything that isn't English), but after translating the pages made me believe that this may actually be a fantastic purchase. Yes you can find 2k ips monitors for cheaper than this, but not sleeker. This is actually a giant chunk of metal. I've had the monitor for about 3 weeks now and my un-technical review is the following: I definitely plan on picking up a spydercolor elite or something to calibrate the monitor. That being said, according to the specs page and many reviews (which I'll post below this blurb), this is a 10bit monitor with 99% Adobe RGB. From what I've seen, the display is amazing and the color is fantastic, but at the same time since I haven't calibrated my monitors, I'm not sure which colors are off. Once I do that, I'll have a better review. In terms of bezel, this thing actually has picture-accurate thin bezel. I thought the bezel on the Viewsonic VX2370SMH was very good, but this is much thinner. As I mentioned before, this is one seamless piece of metal, so it is not a light monitor in any fashion. It also tends to run hotter than monitors in plastic housings, but I haven't run into any overheating issues yet and I don't think it's an issue. The menu does come in Chinese, I believe. No disrespect, I just don't know the differences between those languages and I don't mean to insult anyone with my ignorance on the topic. You can change the language to English. If I missed anything, please feel free to comment and I'll try to respond in a reasonable time. In the meantime, enjoy these reviews and images. Most of these contain detailed color analysis of the monitors. Again, none of these reviews are in English, so translate if necessary.

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GH4 Manual focus being over riden?? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12446/gh4-manual-focus-being-over-riden Mon, 23 Feb 2015 13:30:09 +0000 AlanEHoward 12446@/talks/discussions Hi all.. the clip below shows several issues I've been facing with the GH4 but mostly focus... Having seen some online tutorials it seems manual focus isn't as simple as you've expect ... The following clip had the camera set up for manual focus but, as you'll see approx 40 secs in it starts to hunt for focus (but only then!)..... am I missing something in the menu? I can't explain this ... I've checked and the button at the back was set to MF, although in the menu AFS/AFF is set to AFS and continuous AF is set to on (surely MF on the back overrides all this??)...... as the video shows the subject hardly moved and I never touched the focus ring ... re audio on the video, I'm waiting for the musician to supply a clean audio track!

Also I'd love some input from others on colours and noise ... This was shot using a cinelike D mode with everything set to 0 and edited in Prem Pro 2014 , If memory serves I was on 800 ASA which is high but I expected better results for the noise ... The "black" bars are not the same black as the black surrounding them on my monitor... I output the clip using the factory preset for Vimeo which presumably is RGB as opposed to 709, so surely the black bars should match the black on my screen?? (the bars are a shade lighter)

Aside from the focus issue I'd be very grateful for comments / advice / guidance on noise especially in the blacks which are always a bit crappy ..



Grading MTS vs. ProRes converted files on OS X: is there a concensus? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7298/grading-mts-vs.-prores-converted-files-on-os-x-is-there-a-concensus Wed, 19 Jun 2013 11:14:14 +0000 Alienhead 7298@/talks/discussions I just started grading my footage with Premiere CS6 after using Final Cut Pro for a long time. I had been converting all my files to ProRes using 5D to RGB, which was the original recommendation of Andrew Reid on EOSHD. Then more recently he said it wasn't necessary to do that anymore because there's a fix in Premiere where you increase input and output levels to 15 and 235 respectively http://www.eoshd.com/content/8612/mac-avchd-gamma-issues-the-fix

In an AVCHD timeline in Premiere Pro CS6, I imported two clips, one the original MTS and the other a converted ProRes of that clip. But the result was not fixed by only 15 and 235 input/output adjustment, it required something closer to 40 and 215. And that did not mean that the result was the same, there was still more blue in the highlights and shadows in the MTS vs. the ProRes. Further adjustment would be needed, but the ProRes conversion was more balanced.

This was just my first test, and I'm no expert in this, but it seems like conversion to ProRes still makes sense. What are other people's take on this?
