Tagged with repair - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/repair/feed.rss Tue, 18 Jun 24 11:18:08 +0000 Tagged with repair - Personal View Talks en-CA A7s white balance issue after motherboard replacement http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/23406/a7s-white-balance-issue-after-motherboard-replacement Tue, 21 Jan 2020 06:55:35 +0000 sp4rk 23406@/talks/discussions I had to replace the dead motherboard of my a7s. It works fine, except the white balance is off. I have to go up to 9900k to have daylight white. 5600k looks blue, like 3200k... Does anyone have any idea? Is it possible that the sensor WB does not match the menu settings now?

GH5 froze during recording, resulting in unreadable mdt file http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16854/gh5-froze-during-recording-resulting-in-unreadable-mdt-file Thu, 04 May 2017 12:30:06 +0000 SuperTinyMagnet 16854@/talks/discussions Hey folks! I need help repairing a video file. The other day during a professional shoot, my new GH5 froze up when I hit the record button to stop recording at the end of a 23-minute (!!!) interview take. Even after flipping the power-off switch, the camera stayed on and frozen. I had to remove the battery pack. Now I have an unreadable/unfinished .mdt file that can't be read or played back. Has anyone run into this before?

I'm also wondering how I can prevent this from happening again. I was shooting 4K 10-bit 23.976fps using a Lexar U3 150 mb/s SD card with 128GB of storage (I had used 122gb by the end of the take, and had a few gigs to spare.) I was also using a 3rd party battery by Newmowa, but it had plenty of charge remaining.

Thanks for reading! Any leads at all would be hugely appreciated.

Replacement LCD panel for GH1 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5319/replacement-lcd-panel-for-gh1 Wed, 28 Nov 2012 01:46:43 +0000 fredkaf 5319@/talks/discussions hi everybody , i'm looking around the web to find a new lcd screen for my GH1 .. mine as broken .. but i couldn't find it even on ebay or other .. my search " GH1 lcd panel " am i right ? ( i'm french so .. lol )

any help are welcome

fred ++

What cause this kind of problem ( Lumix GH2 ) http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14453/what-cause-this-kind-of-problem-lumix-gh2- Mon, 18 Jan 2016 06:34:44 +0000 rastatugan 14453@/talks/discussions Hi, and first of all thanks for the time you've all put into this website that a goldmine for people like me ;)

can someone tell me what kind of problem is that , if that is sensor or something else... and in the case you know where I can get the part for repair that would be of help, I love this camera...

Hebergeur d'image

Thanks for your time and consideration


Need help repair old Chinon Auto MC 50mm f/1.7 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14039/need-help-repair-old-chinon-auto-mc-50mm-f1.7 Fri, 06 Nov 2015 10:57:16 +0000 Wenen 14039@/talks/discussions Hey

Can some one make a guide to take a Chinon Auto MC 50mm f/1.7 apart? And screw it back together again?

My lens look like this now, im stuck here.



GH3 Issues Topic http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5488/gh3-issues-topic Sat, 15 Dec 2012 02:45:24 +0000 vaitor 5488@/talks/discussions Hi,

I just received my GH3 from Samys and my FN4 button does not work. I'm think it might be a rare case but since I live abroad and it took two weeks to get it from the US it is pretty annoying. I can still go back in the menu by using the touch screen but it is quit inconvenient.

My question: Did anyone ever came across such an issue with any other DSLR? Is it possible to repair it locally (cheap?) I am not a technician but I am guessing it is either the wiring or a lose contact. So I would like to avoid sending it back/or sending it in to Panasonic for repair. Also: If there is no other solution and I have to send it to panasonic, what are the usual repair times? any experience?

Any advise? Thanks in advance!


Please, help me fix my bricked GF2! http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10923/please-help-me-fix-my-bricked-gf2 Wed, 30 Jul 2014 06:41:30 +0000 JD72 10923@/talks/discussions GF2 was bricked by interrupting firmware update process.

As I know, it is impossible to restore the device without disassembling the memory chips. I need your advices.

  1. Which is the chip?
  2. How to extract the part of the firmware, which is necessary for programming the chip by the programmer device?

Please do not offer me contact the service center. This is my decision and I recognize my responsibility.

Birger Engineering still exist? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10888/birger-engineering-still-exist- Sat, 26 Jul 2014 05:12:08 +0000 elementalracer 10888@/talks/discussions Does anyone here know if Birger Engineering still exists? Their website looks like it hasn't been updated in over a year. I have a Birger Canon EF mount for a RED ONE that needs to be serviced and I'm not sure where to send it off to? I sent them an email just to try but I have yet hear back from them.

Anyone out there happen to have any dealings with them recently? Or possibly know of another place one could send a lens mount like this to get repaired?

Thanks guys!

Panasonic lens ring replacement http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7968/panasonic-lens-ring-replacement Sun, 01 Sep 2013 06:22:09 +0000 goanna 7968@/talks/discussions Loose lens fitting? I just got an alert re availability of a replacement camera Camera Lens Ring Repair Part for Panasonic Lumix GF3 G2 GF2 GH2 G3:


GH2 Making a weird sound. http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3955/gh2-making-a-weird-sound. Wed, 18 Jul 2012 12:18:03 +0000 Diffusion33 3955@/talks/discussions I woke up this morning intending on doing a timelapse video and when i switch the GH2 it makes a weird electronic sound just when switching it on, that it did not make before!!! This prompted me to bring my ear to the camera and i now also ear a fan like sound that i hadn't noticed before!!! Not sure if this is normal as i never checked it before! I'm sending my cam to the panna repair center www.dkavs.co.uk I'm still under warranty. As anyone sent their GH2 their and did it matter if it was hacked or not. Should i revert to the pana firmware? Any info on this would be much appreciated

GH2 and the BMD HyperDeck Shuttle Record Problems http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4230/gh2-and-the-bmd-hyperdeck-shuttle-record-problems Mon, 13 Aug 2012 11:01:20 +0000 questech 4230@/talks/discussions Hello All :-)

I have a BMD HyperDeck Shuttle 2 and it records uncompressed and in the DNxHD (220) codec.

I can import, play and edit the files just fine, but there's a major problem that makes the files useless.

Static scenes are fine except they are flat and require color correction to make them aesthetically acceptable.

The main problem is that the files have horrible interlacing problems... and I'll explain.

First of all, it doesn't matter whether I shoot in FSH, HBR, 24p or don't hit the camera record button at all and just record from the cleaned display... the same problem occurs, so it isn't a camera setting (I've spent 2 days experimenting with different cam settings as well).

When panning I get fine interlacing lines. They are annoying and unacceptable in their own right, but it gets worst. Once encoded (as in for distribution) the problem is accentuated. Huge lines appear and and make the video look horrible... it is unusable.

On close inspection of the files in PP CS6 I can see that the file is filled with ghost images, which I thought were a result of duplicate frames that the GH2 has served to the BMD Shuttle 2.

I've read about certain fixes for this and a the color shift issues, but a) most sound too difficult to be used in a practical workflow and at the end of the day, they may not even work.

So I'm here with hat in hand hoping that a discussion might yield some fruit that can help me, and others that are having the same problem or looking to use a Shuttle with their GH2s.


I said that extra frames were being added, well I read that recording from the GH2's HDMI port added and deleted frames randomly, and that clouded my judgment and made me lean in that direction, but upon closer inspection (I was going to experiment with manually removing the extra frames) I found that there are no extra frames per-say.

The ghosting I described is at the heart of the problem.

When panning each frame appears to be a combination of 2 frames at different times. So depending on the speed of the pan (and the shutter speed - the higher the SS the closer together is the dual images) you get an interlaced image (half of the lines) at one point in time, and another (the other half of the lines) at a later point in time.

Where they overlap, the image is solid, but on either side you have a "ghost" image which when played back you can see through the image where the missing lines are, thereby giving a notched edge effect.

And I haven't even wrapped my head around how I can fix that yet??

Thanks for your interest and feedback!!


My GH2 was burned in 0.001 second and repaired for 1.5 hour and 100 bucks. http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/940/my-gh2-was-burned-in-0.001-second-and-repaired-for-1.5-hour-and-100-bucks. Wed, 14 Sep 2011 07:24:30 +0000 _mike_ 940@/talks/discussions Broken Lenses for Sale http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/111/broken-lenses-for-sale Thu, 19 May 2011 08:46:27 +0000 kainekainekaine 111@/talks/discussions
Canon F2.8L 300mm Telephoto Spares or Repair Non IS


400mm f2.8
