Tagged with promo - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/promo/feed.rss Thu, 13 Jun 24 11:53:02 +0000 Tagged with promo - Personal View Talks en-CA GH4 with V-Log - Christies Promo http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14072/gh4-with-v-log-christies-promo Tue, 17 Nov 2015 02:08:04 +0000 thougts2uk 14072@/talks/discussions Hi Everyone,

Just sharing with you a video we just made for Christies in Hong Kong. It was shot on the GH4 using V-Log.

We only had 6 hours to shoot 60+ watches so it was quite a challenge.

Be good to get the communities feedback.


Music video shot on Lumix GH3 and anamorphic adaptor at 50fps http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11298/music-video-shot-on-lumix-gh3-and-anamorphic-adaptor-at-50fps Tue, 16 Sep 2014 02:41:24 +0000 Wotsisname 11298@/talks/discussions Please have a look at the music promo I made on a Lumix GH3.

If you're interested in the tecky stuff, here it is, otherwise please just enjoy the pictures!

I used a kowa 8-Z anamorphic adaptor, mounted on a voigtlander Nokton 35mm F1.2. I also had a Tokina .4 achromat and a Cokin Diopter +2 for the Close ups.

It was all shot at night which presented problems as I found the Lumix isn't very good in low light. I was shooting at 50fps which reduced the amount of light I had even further. I also found that if the lens was fully open it was difficult to get a focus. Not because it was too shallow, but because it wouldn't focus on anything with the adaptor.

As you can see I over-cranked the ISO (accidentally went to 3200 when I thought I was on 1600), but I couldn't set lights up on the banks of the Thames at 3am, as we didn't have permission to be there. I wish I'd got someone to stand close by reflecting a bright torch off a white shirt though. I can only hope that I get away with the graininess in the spirit of low/no budget film making, and it looks like 16mm. I couldn't ask the actors to go back into the Thames for me!

I think the Lumix in low light has given the film a real 'look' but in all honesty I wasn't impressed by how much colour information it recorded. This camera really needs light to work well.

You can also see the notorious shutter wobble a few times. Weirdly it doesn't bother me in this video, as I think it suits the slightly surreal mood. Same goes for the sodium street lights making the flicker. I wanted to keep the shutter above 100 (I was shooting 50fps), but I could have decreased flicker by reducing the shutter speed. However, I decided to embrace it, and instead increased the shutter, which made the flicker more pronounced.

Staying close up to the actors, using the diopters, gave me a picture I liked the most. The bokeh looks lovely and soft and cinematic. Shots where I had to focus to infinity were difficult - the bokeh is ugly in those shots (in my opinion), taking the shape of a kind of horizontal tear. But I couldn't film the whole video in close ups!

It was difficult to shot this as a one-man-band. Having to screw two different diopters on or off every time I wanted to change my proximity to the actors made it quite fiddly. I was also moving lights (I had x3 LED panels). I had some other taking lenses, but it wasn't practical to change during the shoot.

Lastly, I know its normal to crop the super-wide picture you get from shooting 2x anamorphic on a 16:9 sensor, but I decided to embrace it. It's fun, and a bit silly, but its a music promo, so why not.

Hope you enjoy. The track by Durlston George, his debut single, is lovely.

Pulp Fiction - Parody http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10486/pulp-fiction-parody Thu, 29 May 2014 09:19:05 +0000 Tjibbe 10486@/talks/discussions 2nd promo video I shot for the end of the year Gala for the Academy of ICT and media at the University of The Hague, organized by SIM.

A parody of the famous breakfast scene from Pulp Fiction. Starring again the always fabulous Younes Zagoghi.

We tried to recreate every shot as close as we could to the original. Audio isn't optimal due to unfortunate absence of a audioguy. But all in all, quite satisfied.

Would love to hear what you think!

Pulp Fiction

First promo - Scarface


  • Younes Zagoghi, as Jules
  • Robert Wes, as Brett
  • Clemens Wijnekus, as Vincent
  • Styn Burkels, as Marvin
  • Rico Suarez, as Roger

Shot on a GH2 with:

  • Canon 50mm f1.4, panny 20mm f1,7 , panny 14-140mm, Nikon 28mm f2.8
  • Rode NTG 2,
  • H4N recorder
  • Sachtler ACE tripod, Manfrotte traveling tripod (for low to ground shots)
  • Living room lights, floodlight, 96led light.
  • Edited within Premiere Pro, graded with Filmconvert
Panasonic G6 Spring promotion - help please... http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10018/panasonic-g6-spring-promotion-help-please... Tue, 01 Apr 2014 13:38:26 +0000 Spinsterboy 10018@/talks/discussions Hi,

long time PV user - first time poster.

I'd like to ask some opinions - Here in the UK Panasonic are about to launch a spring promotion (it's a bit hush hush) the deal is, you buy a GH3, and get the battery grip and a 22mm 1.4 Panny lens thrown in for good measure. (could be a 24mm though) anyway, I currently shot with a G6 making music videos and youtube stuff, but I do occasionally shoot higher end stuff. Do i trade in the G6 (and pray it then doesn't get hacked the week after) and trade up to the GH3, or stick with the G6?

I like the weather sealing feature, and the higher bitrates, but i'll miss peaking...

I read somewhere that the GH3 has a smaller sensor - is this right?

Will i see a big jump in quality? And if not is this deal too good to miss?

Thanks in advance,


New GH3 video - Naga - Roads http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9882/new-gh3-video-naga-roads Sat, 15 Mar 2014 11:39:03 +0000 leftedit 9882@/talks/discussions Check out the link, let me know your thoughts!

Lens most used is a Canon FD 50mm.

Glidecam shots done using panny 14-45mm kit lens, for wider look.

B&W scenes filmed on hacked GH1.

RUNCHI promo http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7658/runchi-promo Thu, 01 Aug 2013 11:50:44 +0000 maxr 7658@/talks/discussions

This is a kind of compressed (in time and quality; I'm still changing this output for a x264 motherfucking ultra slow encoding... soon) version of a video I made for our friend Runchi, to celebrate friendship, life and relations in their beginning and/or end. Nothing was planned, naturally just happened. Two other examples: HERE and HERE.

I have no pretensions whatsoever to believe this is a great masterpiece, ja ja ja, but rather an attempt to gather some moments spent together wrapping their trail in a video... made from and around love, for fun, within my own flow  8-)

For this (promo) version, I had the silly idea of removing Runchi from all shots; as continuation of the experiencing while editing the long version. If you're interested in the full version, 22 min, HERE it is! One day, inshallah, I'll put subtitles

Big thanks to ?lex, for infecting us with no fear




anything you say may be used in ... growing

New music vid shot on GH2 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6266/new-music-vid-shot-on-gh2 Wed, 27 Feb 2013 07:34:43 +0000 amokalex 6266@/talks/discussions Hey all,

A while back my short The Boss won a few awards and got a load of views, well here's my latest bit of work, a music promo for James Yuill shot in the desert of Tabernas in southern Spain. (Where a bunch of films have been shot; the good the bad and the ugly, lawrence of arabia and mad max 3 amongst them).

We used a few choice lenses, mostly the Voigtlander 25mm f0.95, Canon FD 85mm 1.8 and a random CCTV lens (26mm f1.4 I think), coupled with one of the Sanity hacks (I think version 5).

Had lots of comments about the look, few people (and experienced people!) mistaking it for Red footage, so we got something right!

Thanks again to this site for the hack and knowledgable advice which helps indie filmmakers out no end . . .


Commercial / promo for Sagene, Oslo, Norway - flow motion hack http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4840/commercial-promo-for-sagene-oslo-norway-flow-motion-hack Mon, 08 Oct 2012 11:55:27 +0000 cekrem 4840@/talks/discussions http://vimeo.com/welterwerk/sagene

Welterwerk Filmkompani recently shot this short promo for Sagene, a district of Oslo, Norway. Shot exclusively on our hacked GH2. Zeiss glass! :) Time was short, and the budget was ridiculously low - but we’re quite happy with the result.

The rain-like, diagonal noise showed up in quite a few shots, but disappeared when transcoding in 5DtoRGB. Weird! Other than that, the GH2 - and the hack - performed like expected: top notch!

Enjoy! And if you haven’t already, check out Welterwerks own promo video: http://vimeo.com/welterwerk/welterwerk
