Tagged with peret - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/peret/feed.rss Mon, 17 Jun 24 13:44:22 +0000 Tagged with peret - Personal View Talks en-CA Rare Cine-Nikkor lenses on Nikon 1 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11546/rare-cine-nikkor-lenses-on-nikon-1 Tue, 14 Oct 2014 00:13:24 +0000 eurocameraman 11546@/talks/discussions For video work, i am using my GH series (from 1 to 4) without any hesitation as it delivers what I am looking for. For Photography work, I am using a Nikon D800 to please my clients, as they often print big from the pictures I had done for their website at first. They need high resolution and they always prefer the photographer they hired, handling a big camera. In many people mind, bigger is still more professional. For my personal photography enjoyment, I fall in love with a camera which had never been considered as exciting by usual reviewer: Nikon1 V1. I bought it new for 200 USD or so in 2013. My interest in this camera started after trying a collection of old C-mount lenses with some of them designed for 16mm film camera. Most of those lenses were too tight to cover the M43 sensor (huge vignetting going on) , but they perfectly match with the CX format of the Nikon1. For those who don't know: FX = 2 x M43, FX = 2.7 x CX (in term of cropping factor) Nikon1 V1 sensor (10 millions pixels Alpina) delivers "film like" colors, contrast, noise and sharpness. I know what I am speaking about as I started my career in professional Photography back to 1986.

You can go and visit my webpage blog post and my flickr album to have an idea of the result of combining a Nikon1 V1 camera with this set of lenses:

  • Cine-Nikkor 6.5mm f1.8
  • Cine-Nikkor 13mm f1.8
  • Cine-Nikkor 50mm f1.8
  • Angenieux 25mm f0.95
  • Tamron 25mm f1.6
  • Manual Focus and Manual Exposure (confirmed by Histogram after test shots)

I am planning to shoot a vintage looking short film with this camera soon or later to take benefit of my set of lenses.

http://www.francperet.com/2014/10/01/nikon1-v1-and-cine-lenses/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/francperet/

FAST and FURIOUS made in China. 9 minutes Making Of http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10576/fast-and-furious-made-in-china.-9-minutes-making-of Tue, 10 Jun 2014 07:10:40 +0000 eurocameraman 10576@/talks/discussions STREET OF FURY: I directed, edited and partly shot this 9 minutes Making Of video, a documentary related to a unique and huge project shot in China, near Shanghai, during 4 months. An international team of 300 people was build up around Gary Hymes, the stunt director of famous movie series "Fast and Furious" for shooting a 3D feature film filled up with car and motorcycle chases and crashes.

All team was fantastic and very helpful on the Making Of, with a special thanks to Gary Hymes who is both a great director, a great technician and a very humble person.

This is the first time in China, a project of that kind is produced at such scale. Interesting thing is that all those effort were made for a theme park, not for a theater release.

On a technical point, shots for the making if were done by 3 cameramen (including myself) working with Sony EX1, Canon 5D2, Panasonic AF100 and GH3. We collected more than 20 hours of footage and I had a hard time to choose among all the great stuff we had. Finally, I succeed to compress the best of it into a 9 minutes exciting piece (edited in Premiere CS6). Enjoy!
