Tagged with movies - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/movies/feed.rss Sun, 16 Jun 24 16:45:42 +0000 Tagged with movies - Personal View Talks en-CA Movie Barcode - an interesting big data view http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16461/movie-barcode-an-interesting-big-data-view Fri, 17 Feb 2017 06:58:47 +0000 andyharris 16461@/talks/discussions Here's a site that reduces a movie to a 2D coloured Barcode:


Here's a short video that shows some interesting views of this data:

A Good Life Official Trailer - Comedy TV Pilot http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15947/a-good-life-official-trailer-comedy-tv-pilot- Wed, 26 Oct 2016 16:59:23 +0000 stampfli 15947@/talks/discussions If you have a minute, please check out the official trailer to our comedy TV pilot "A Good Life." Launching soon! Thanks!!!

Help with subtitles translation for a Movie Teaser http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10353/help-with-subtitles-translation-for-a-movie-teaser Fri, 09 May 2014 14:53:42 +0000 Aksel 10353@/talks/discussions HI Everyone

I need PV community help. We are a big community and from all over the world so I was wandering if you can help me translate few sentences to different languages so I can add them to my movie Teaser.

I want to add different languages for 2 teasers of my movie "The Killing Silence" for now I have just Spanish and English. so any other language is welcome, Russian, Chinese, Japanese...etc

here are the sentences that need translation and thank you in advance

I am...not your mother

I need to know the truth about this house

sit down

I don't remember this place

I need to see her...she is my mother!!

Don't be afraid it's me "Anir"

watch out !!!

Hi, I am Anir

Have you been here before?

I don't remember this place

What's happening in this house?!? Samir,

what's in this house?!?

Come on!! Stand up and go bring her to me

Open the door!!!

Help meeee!!!

English: Done

Spanish: Done

Swedish: Done

German: Done

Portuguese: Done

Russian: Done

Dutch: Done

"The Killing Silence" Tv Movie shot w GH2 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7339/the-killing-silence-tv-movie-shot-w-gh2 Mon, 24 Jun 2013 16:26:42 +0000 Aksel 7339@/talks/discussions Hi Everyone Check my 1st movie shot in Morocco, and if you like it please share. The movie was shot with GH2. the movie is airing in Moroccan TV (Channel 8) next month. we still in post-production so if there are any comment to make it better please feel free.

spred the word if you like it https://www.facebook.com/pages/Asusm-Inqqn/177152852452315

GRAVITY http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8348/gravity Sat, 05 Oct 2013 22:33:15 +0000 Sage 8348@/talks/discussions Imax 3d

This is it - this is the real deal*

Epic, melancholic, emotional sounding composer looking for a job! http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8766/epic-melancholic-emotional-sounding-composer-looking-for-a-job Wed, 13 Nov 2013 07:13:07 +0000 MoleDigginHole 8766@/talks/discussions Hello, my name is Normunds Petrovs and i’m music composer and sound designer. I'm looking to collaborate on interesting game/film projects that require epic, melancholic, emotional music and/or sound effects.

You can check out my latest music compositions here at my website: http://www.soundcloud.com/moledigginhole

Also a music and sound effects I made for this trailer -

If you have any questions at all, free to email me at zipitmail@gmail.com


Microphone for GH2 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6687/microphone-for-gh2 Sat, 13 Apr 2013 11:12:38 +0000 JP_91 6687@/talks/discussions Hello everyone!

First of all, sorry for my english but I'm italian, so maybe I'll do some mistakes during the topic.

Now, that's the question. I am a videomaker and I decided to record a low-budget movie, after 3 years' experience with short-movies.

I have the screenplay, I have the cast (almost all), I have the camera (gh2) and I have a problem with the audio.

As long as I want to produce a professional (or semi-pro) work, I can't be satisfied with the internal mic's quality of GH2. The problem is that the budget is limited (300-350 €), so I can't spend a lot of money.

Surfing on the internet, I have found two solution: the H4N Zoom and the Rode Videomic Pro.

Now, many say that for obtain a good quality is necessary to combine the two microphone and so attach the RVP to the H4N and record the audio track on it.

But, it's possible to have a good quality of sound by using only one of this two microphone? If yes, wich?

Or there are other choices (considering the budget) that can provide a good quality audio?

Thanks for reading and for any replies :)

Detachment, cinema movie - opinions http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6522/detachment-cinema-movie-opinions Wed, 27 Mar 2013 18:20:35 +0000 tetakpatak 6522@/talks/discussions I just went to the cinema to see this movie. It is very impressive, artistic production and quite a masterpiece: picture, screenplay, sound- the story itself has also very strong message. Absolutely no mainstream product. Camera work of the best kind, the grading fantastic- OK, now I will stop with all these compliments, I don't want to promiss too much- it may be matter of taste as well. It is not a tight-budget production, although if compared to many cinema movies it seems to be of a low-budget kind.

Official website:


Making of:

I hope some more people saw this movie and I am curious to read about different opinions. Anybody knows something more about the gear? Some of it is well visible in "making of".

Microphones used is movies http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5920/microphones-used-is-movies Sun, 27 Jan 2013 09:01:54 +0000 kronstadt 5920@/talks/discussions Reading around the internet can get you a lot of disinformation, or rumours at best. So I thought I'd create this thread to see if the microphones that are mentioned have indeed been used in movies, and which ones.

For example, there is a rumour going around that Sennheiser MKH 416 has been the "industry standard" throughout 70s and 80s (and even 90s) in many Hollywood films. Is this true? If yes, which films? Please mention them. I would love to listen to those films.

There is another rumour that Rode NTG-3 (and even NTG-2) is being used in film productions. If you KNOW this to be the case, then,please, list the movies that use NTG-3. (and I don't mean movies made for Vimeo, or amateur movies that don't stand the chance of being accepted into any decent festival)

If there are other microphones that you know of, please add them to this list and please mention which movies they were used in. Movies from any decade are welcome. (like, I'd love to know what mics were used in Taxi Driver, The Godfather, Network, Blowout, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction etc)

Reverse engineering lighting http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/258/reverse-engineering-lighting Mon, 20 Jun 2011 19:55:46 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 258@/talks/discussions
First, look at this resource - http://thetwopointeight.tumblr.com/
It is blog describing lighting (mostly portraits like).


Second. You can search Amazon for lighting books. I need some time to find, but I am sure that I read some books describing lighting of famous film scenes .]]>
Home Projector http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1836/home-projector Mon, 26 Dec 2011 13:59:40 +0000 matthere 1836@/talks/discussions I am considering a projector for HD footage, blue ray, tv and games, (might consider 3D) there is a bewildering choice of options, I understand choice can be very personal.. re: lumens/contrast ratio/dlp/lcd/led etc..

Just wondered if anyone has experience or opinion on models and specs?
Main consideration is quality, next consideration is value for money (looking to spend around £600 upto £1200ish)

Looked at:
Epson EH TW3600
Optima HD300x
BenQ W1200

Thanks :)]]>