Tagged with loose - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/loose/feed.rss Sun, 02 Jun 24 05:14:05 +0000 Tagged with loose - Personal View Talks en-CA GH3 Loose Hot Shoe (pictures) http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7535/gh3-loose-hot-shoe-pictures Tue, 16 Jul 2013 14:43:02 +0000 djhessler 7535@/talks/discussions I know there is a topic on this already, but Vitally please leave a thread for this, it's very important. As everyone knows already, the hotshoe becomes loose on the GH3, the sad news is that the screws come completely off. This weekend on a trip to San Francisco my hot shoe became really loose I had 2 wireless transmitters on it, so this morning I decided to open my gh3, yes I know very stupid!!!!!!!! Do not do this!!!!! it's not easy to do this and parts can easy break. After opening the camera I discovered that taking out the viewfinder is not easy, one bolt is blocked by the board and taking out the board was a bit too much for me, so there is one particular bolt that stayed out, yes .... I did not put it back because it is too difficult to put it back in without pulling out the board, so back to the hot shoe, the hot shoe seems to be screwed by two bolts on each side, incredibly both bolts came off, and the sad news is that one is probably inside my camera moving around because I only found one :-( so what I did is that I used a bolt from the outside of the body and put back two bolts on the hot shoe, but another sad thing I discovered is that this part of the camera is really weak, I honestly cannot see that much metal around here so my advice to people is: Do not put anything too heavy on there. Another sad thing is that yes the bolts that hold the hotshoe do not have locktite so that is why they come off so easily, all these small screws are not tight too much because if tightened too much they give out. Honestly it's sad to see such expensive camera made so flimsy in the inside, I have 2 GH3 and I hope they last me a good time cause I paid premium for these cams. The first picture has a red circle around the area where both bolts came off.

When pulling out the back plate, I broke a part of the chasis, I think I was suppose to take out the dial and take a screw out from there, so be aware if you simply pull the back as I did, you will brake this part too. The camera is back together and working, I tested it and all seems to be ok even though I did break some parts :-(

So there you have it guys, these hot shoes will come loose eventually unless panny fixed the issued on a different batch, I bought mine in November of 2012.

See pictures bellow.
