Tagged with lightling - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/lightling/feed.rss Sun, 16 Jun 24 15:25:16 +0000 Tagged with lightling - Personal View Talks en-CA Cine Gear LA 2024 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/28097/cine-gear-la-2024 Sat, 08 Jun 2024 23:42:48 +0000 EspenB 28097@/talks/discussions Aputure

Tolifo Shark Light SL1000 LED with bowens mount, any thoughts on it? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/21675/tolifo-shark-light-sl1000-led-with-bowens-mount-any-thoughts-on-it Wed, 06 Mar 2019 13:01:58 +0000 RoadsidePicnic 21675@/talks/discussions image

Recently been looking at these LED fixtures, anyone has info about it? Is it usable?

Manufacturer page: http://tolifo.cn/product/showproduct.php?id=153&lang=en

Any option to the rotolight Neo2? Any other flash work in HSS? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/20997/any-option-to-the-rotolight-neo2-any-other-flash-work-in-hss Tue, 27 Nov 2018 09:20:53 +0000 Manu4Vendetta 20997@/talks/discussions I have seen many tests of photos and videos made with this light and I like the result, Its awesome. Works as a continuous light for video/cine and as a flash.

The only thing negative is the price, isnt cheap, but its price is not bad either, the other problem is that the transmitter costs almost 80% than the Neo2 costs: Neo2 U$325-400, transmitter HSS U$250, total U$ 550-625 too much.

I'm not sure if any other transmitter will allow synchronization in flash mode for high speed, at that point one could save money because the price of the transmitter is very very very excessive.

The othe question is if there a similar light with good CRI, portable what dont need electrical connection and at the same time be a flash and continuous light. The only thing I know so efficient but only as a high power flash and portability is the Godox AD200.

5 or 6 foot light strip http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/17739/5-or-6-foot-light-strip Tue, 12 Sep 2017 18:12:01 +0000 webarchitect 17739@/talks/discussions I need a five or six foot LED strip light suitable for video and photography. Mostly product related work. For DOF purposes, I'd like to be able to get f11 as an exposure at ISO 800 or lower. Light quality matters, so cheap Home Depot strips don't seem highly likely for this task. I'll mix with some other studio lights I have yet to purchase. I'm open to some DIY so long as it's not super involved or some crazy amount of effort (subjective, I know). Ideas?


Stills and video light http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/17708/stills-and-video-light Sat, 09 Sep 2017 21:18:04 +0000 webarchitect 17708@/talks/discussions Looking for reasonably affordable lights for both video work and stills. Stills would largely be product photography, video product plus people. Aputure 120d looks promising, their mini20 looks like a maybe. But what would you say? Thanks in advance!

gh5 raw issue http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/17356/gh5-raw-issue Mon, 17 Jul 2017 07:12:46 +0000 sebolla 17356@/talks/discussions hi,i was trying some timelapse in raw with long exposure and i had a lot of red white green dots on the image so i tried to test the camera in my room to see if the proble persist....well the shoot has been taken at f4 iso 320 6" sec exposure everything manual noise reduction turned off raw plus jpeg... the jpeg came out just fine with a few red dots almost invisible.... The raw file which i converted with lightroom and silkypix(the official panasonic raw developer) have hundreds of red green white dots mostly in the shadows area...to make it a bit clear i brought up the exposure by one stop... here are the 2 images... i don't know if i have a faulty camera,if someone could replicate a long exposure shot it would be really appreciated....thanxx

Light stands http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3718/light-stands Thu, 28 Jun 2012 20:24:07 +0000 kronstadt 3718@/talks/discussions I'm only beginning to build a very basic lighting kit. So I bought myself this 800W Redhead from eBay for £29.80 ( http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/140751914206 ), but until it arrives I want to buy a cheap light stand for it. And I don't know which one to get? Which light stand mount will work for mounding an 800W Redhead? And which one of these 2 light stands should I buy? This one http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/360441970480 or this one http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/261055222703 (first one has a screw at the tip of its mounting knob, and the second one doesn't)

Or would you recommend another light stand for Redhead?

If you have used Redheads before, please reply. Thank you for your advice!

Chinese ARRI Fresnel lights, very good http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3551/-chinese-arri-fresnel-lights-very-good Mon, 11 Jun 2012 19:15:33 +0000 kronstadt 3551@/talks/discussions I wonder if anyone in this forum has used Chinese Fresnel light that are available here at personal-view.com deals.

What's your opinion/recommendation?

I also wonder if anyone has used 800W Red Head Quartz Fresnel lights (for just £56, it seems to be a steel)

I understand that the LED is the new fashion and everyone is going after them. But which ones would you recommend in terms of good old fashioned fresnel lights? So far my requirements are Dimmer, Color temperature control, Barn doors and Fresnel lens. Should I look for other features when choosing? It would be awesome to have LED with Fresnel, but alas...

Which off camera strobe lights would you recommend for GH4? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14786/which-off-camera-strobe-lights-would-you-recommend-for-gh4 Sun, 13 Mar 2016 17:50:05 +0000 cindy6 14786@/talks/discussions Hi all,

I'm looking for 1-2 off camera strobes for my GH4 for an upcoming shoot. Heard the Panny FL360L isn't too great. So what would you guys recommend instead?


Grip head / gobo head /clamp - cheap alternative? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11686/grip-head-gobo-head-clamp-cheap-alternative Fri, 31 Oct 2014 15:29:47 +0000 Psyco 11686@/talks/discussions Hi,

I need some grip heads like the Manfrotte Avenger D200 ( http://www.ebay.de/itm/Manfrotto-Avenger-D200-2-1-2-034-Grip-Head-Alu-Gobohead-Drehkopf-Griphead-Head-Gobo-/271533728709 ) to mount my flags/cutters to my c-stands, but this thing costs about 30 EUR.

Does anybody know about some other grip heads that cost less (here in Europe/Germany) or a lot less (to import from Asia/US)?

I don't need stepless angle adjustments, so a simpler construction would also do. Any ideas?

DIY Fresnel LED lights http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3558/diy-fresnel-led-lights Tue, 12 Jun 2012 14:37:00 +0000 kronstadt 3558@/talks/discussions LED lights are awesome, save you a LOT of hassle on location, and are dropping in prices. At the same time the good old ARRI fresnel tungsten lighting gives you that beautiful cinematic lighting - so beautiful and easy to control that you might want to put up with all the hassle and cost that they involve.

So I thought: would it be possible to combine best of both worlds? Would it be possible to have LED lights which also work as a Fresnel lights? Then I found out that this is the newest cutting edge thing that ARRI offers in it’s L-series, and LightPanels is releasing its own early models too, and they cost tens of thousands of dollars!

I wonder if I can make it DIY?

After all it shouldn’t be that difficult. I thought of getting a 312ASZ led panel (which, correct me if I'm wrong should give me a 250W equivalent) and sticking one of those plastic Fresnel lenses that old people use to read newspapers. Like this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Magnifier-Full-Page-Magnifying-Fresnel-Lens-Sheet-XL-/320649270129?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item4aa82f9371#ht_3008wt_932 or fresnel lenses for Solar cookers like this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fresnel-Lens-Over-Head-Projector-Solar-Cooker-Oven-Project-OHP-310mm-x310mm-x4mm-/150826264411?pt=UK_Gadgets&hash=item231df2275b#ht_500wt_1164

But then the question becomes, are these good enough Fresnel lenses for purposes of cinematic lighting? And how to make it so that the lens moves back and forth, so as to focus the light?

What do you think? Any advices? Any suggestions? Any links to such DIY tutorials?

hack for one candle lighting http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4236/hack-for-one-candle-lighting Mon, 13 Aug 2012 16:55:24 +0000 suzres 4236@/talks/discussions Hello all, I am asked to film a theater set with two characters sat at a table and only lit by one candle hand held by one of the two characters. Could someone recommend of a GH2 hack setting to use in that situation ? I will be using the pana 14 140 mm lens and a Nikkor f1.8 50 mm.

Thank you so much in advance.

Best and most basic Lighting kit for a very low budget narrative - for GH13 &GH2 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3747/best-and-most-basic-lighting-kit-for-a-very-low-budget-narrative-for-gh13-gh2 Sun, 01 Jul 2012 10:07:22 +0000 kronstadt 3747@/talks/discussions I decided to start a thread to see what kind of lighting gear people would recommend for a narrative type of shooting (with GH13 and GH2) on a very low budget. We all know that in terms of ISO GH13 is far from Canon DSLRs, so when I was getting my GH1, I knew that I'd have to supplement with lighting gear.

There are quite some cheap lighting solutions out there ranging from worklights to cheap 800W Redheads on eBay. But then the question becomes, is 800W not an overkill for GH13 and GH2, and what is an "okey" kit that would work well with GH13 and GH2.

Hopefully, others, who are in the same kind of searches as I am, would find this thread useful, so do post your ideas and advices.

To make this fun, lets set a limit of ~ £400 ($650) for the entire kit (including all the accessories, stands, softboxes, gels, lightmeters etc).

So here is my list:

  • 1x 800W Redhead (£29.80 from eBay) - great for floodlight or bounce light or artificial sunlight, but might be an overkill for Gh13 and Gh2, so you might want an extra dimmer for £19. Pack of 5 bulbs £11.

  • 1x 650W "As ARRI" fresnel light from eBay £120, or with dimmer £135 (Is 650W an overkill for Gh13 and Gh2 if you can shoot up to 320 ISO without any grain? Is it not better to get a 500W or 300W instead???). Also, I heard that there are at least 5 factories in China that manufacture these knock-offs. I'm personally going to stay away from a brand called "JieTu".
    That's why "As ARRI"s have mixed reviews, so you need to find an eBay seller who sells good quality and reliable "As ARRI"s. (that alone would be a good thread)

  • 1x 300W "As ARRI" fresnel light £108.

  • 1x Yongnuo YN-160 LED (£37.50) (+ 6600mAh batteries for Sony NP-F970 ~ £14 each. Will last ~10hours on YN160. + £5.70 for the charger.). Not the best light, but if you have a dark night scene, and don't have generators for your "As ARRI"s or permission for location, these YN160 (+ a diffuser umbrella and a long painter's pole) might save the day night. Nicely placed, it can also work as a hairlight or some other minor kind of light on set. Just remember that with YN160 every time you switch it on and off, it doesn't remember your settings and goes back to medium power - so you have to bump up the light intensity every time.
    You might also want to get the bi-color LED 312 AS or ASZ that are often posted on personal-view.com for £107 ($168) for entire pack (with 2 batteries and dual charger).

  • Gels ~ £35 (Lee gels are good. I'm still deciding on which pack to get. See this discussion http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/comment/71411#Comment_71411)

  • 4 light stands (£20 each) - don't go for the ultra cheap ones . See this topi http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/comment/71213. Sandbags, you can make them DIY.

  • a fake eBay Gorrillapod (£7) - great for holding things in weird places

  • a pack of bulbs for your Redhead and "As Arri"s. You never know when those bulbs will blow up, and they will blow up.

  • 110cm - 5in1 Reflectors - £9 (it also contains a diffuser, in case you don't have a softbox, and you don't need a softbox if you can make a DIY wooden frame with a shower curtain)

  • 33" Reflector umbrella - £3.70

  • 50m Gaffer Duct Tape - £3.50

  • Metal Spring clamps and wooden clamps of all sorts and sizes - ~£10

  • Lightmeter ? Do we still need one for shooting digital? In 16mm world it's a must-have, but in digital...? Sekonic L-308DC is said to be designed for digital video, but quite pricey. Will a second hand Sekonic L-308S for ~£70 do the same job?

So that's it - we have a kit of 4 lights + all the accessories that may be needed on a low budget narrative film shoot. Any ideas as to how this list could be improved? Any thoughts?

Placing a Hard Key Light http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1745/placing-a-hard-key-light Thu, 15 Dec 2011 03:15:03 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 1745@/talks/discussions
The most important thing you will ever learn about lighting is this: LIGHTING IS NOT A FORMULA. Learning about lighting, though, is a process of becoming aware, and in this first of many articles I’m going I’m going to try to increase your awareness of one specific thing per article. The more awareness you have the more easily you’ll be able to adapt your lighting to your circumstances because you’ll see, with your own eyes, what you need to do to make an image that satisfies your inner artist.

I think the best place to start is with classical key light placement. This knowledge is not something you will use verbatim as this is not a style that is in vogue at the moment. The underlying principles, however, should be of daily benefit.

In film school we all learn about the key light, fill light and backlight. We’re typically shown a setup where a key light is placed 45 degrees to one side of the camera and raised high and tilted down toward the subject at a 45 degree angle. The fill light is placed in the same position on the opposite side of the camera. The backlight, or hair light, is opposite the camera, behind the subject.


This is a great way to learn the basics of lighting as long as you can grasp what the lights do and then completely forget everything about this formula. Lighting is not about formulas, it is about seeing. Formulas can be a trap. Learn from them, but don’t rely on them.

There are almost infinite variations of this setup and other setups that deviate completely from this plan. The goal in my upcoming “Lighting Strategies” series is to open your eyes to some lighting techniques and strategies that I had to learn the hard way—because there are very few people who can communicate what they do artistically to another person. There are a lot of DPs who can tell their crew what they want, but if they had to tell another DP how they did it they’d fail miserably. I find that really frustrating, so I’m going to try to fill that void.

One of the hardest things to do is to light a face well with hard light, because hard light brings out details that not every face wants revealed: bumps, pores, imperfectly-formed noses, wrinkles… everything that can go “wrong” with a face shows up really well under hard light.

A hard light is defined as a light source that appears small in relation to the subject and casts a sharp shadow. This can be a small light up close or a big light far away. (I’ll go into soft and hard light in another article.)

I believe that the origin of the “traditional” hard key light placement came from the old studio days of the 1930s when it was most common to light from a lighting grid placed over the set. Film speeds were quite slow and the lights used were quite big, and the easiest way to power them and keep them out of the shot was to hang them. This is probably where the 45-degree downward-facing key light came from, as this angle is one of the more pleasing for hardlit faces.

I’m not going to talk about fill or backlight in this article. I’m going to focus strictly on classical methods of placing hard key lights. We’ll get to other lights, and mixing lights, in future articles.

Read the rest at: http://provideocoalition.com/index.php/aadams/story/lighting_strategies_placing_a_hard_key_light/P0/]]>
ASA Rating of GH2 Sensor for Use with Incident Light Meter? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/864/asa-rating-of-gh2-sensor-for-use-with-incident-light-meter Tue, 06 Sep 2011 13:38:24 +0000 qwerty123 864@/talks/discussions
"Even though the camera rating says 100 ISO, you get the best “to eye” image of of what you’re shooting if you actually rate you light meter at 640 (which I think it close to the native ASA of the camea. To repeate- set camera at ISO 100, and the base exposure of your meter to 640. ...Same thing works with a higher ISO, 400. Instead of placing the GH1 at 100, you’ll set it to 400 and your meter at 2500."
Source: http://www.hotrodcameras.com/tips-and-tricks/gh1-film-look-new-tips

I'm having trouble finding info about the gh2 in this regard. Anyone know of any sources or, better yet, how to do a test to determine this?]]>
Cinematography Tutorial: Using Flags to Control Shadow and Light http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/769/cinematography-tutorial-using-flags-to-control-shadow-and-light- Fri, 26 Aug 2011 03:19:48 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 769@/talks/discussions

A cinematographer once said that “Great cinematography is not about knowing how to turn a light on, it’s about knowing how to shape and mould that light”. The intention of his video tutorial is to help you understand that shadow is light’s creative equivalent.

Via: http://www.lightsfilmschool.com/blog/cinematography-using-flags/1679/
LED light, 3000lux Comer alternative http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/478/led-light-3000lux-comer-alternative Sun, 24 Jul 2011 15:59:06 +0000 TwitHerb 478@/talks/discussions
I just ran across this light:



It looks similar in size and is similarly priced to the Comer, but on paper it pumps out 3000 lux.

Curious how it would work with a "softbox" like this: http://www.amazon.com/Fotodiox-Softbox-Speedlight-Speedlite-Panasonica/dp/B003Y322RO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1311537307&sr=8-1]]>