Tagged with language - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/language/feed.rss Fri, 14 Jun 24 02:11:33 +0000 Tagged with language - Personal View Talks en-CA Sony A7III Language Hack Help http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/19665/sony-a7iii-language-hack-help Tue, 08 May 2018 02:54:04 +0000 saudkh 19665@/talks/discussions I recently purchased a Sony A7III from Japan. and as some of you know, Sony cameras do not have language settings on them, when they are bought from Japan. I am quite competent with the camera (even with it set in a different language) I mainly bought it from here because the price difference was justifiable.

Anyway, I found the amazing guide on this site (https://www.personal-view.com/faqs/sony-hack/languages) to help replace the camera language files. I was able to extract the firmware files (Funny enough Ive tried many versions of the fw-tool and none of them would extract the file, except the GUI one.) the extractor gave me the 4 files, one of which is the FDAT file the contains the actual firmware and as you can imagine the file is encrypted and thats where I am stuck now!

I realize it might be against the rules to ask for this, but any "tips" or direction on how to extract the fdat file would be highly appreciated? the guide says to google but I am afraid my google skills aren't as good as I thought they were. I apologize in advance if this is breaking any rules.

Sony A7iii Japanese to English http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/26725/sony-a7iii-japanese-to-english Sat, 19 Feb 2022 08:09:45 +0000 Kumba 26725@/talks/discussions I recently Bought a Sony A7iii form Japan and when I got it it was Only Japanese. There are few threds here but non of them are in recent years.. Did any one have a chance to change the domestic model to English? Please help

Lumix GF2 Japanese model - just want to change menu to english http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13134/lumix-gf2-japanese-model-just-want-to-change-menu-to-english Sun, 07 Jun 2015 02:43:08 +0000 Fartblade 13134@/talks/discussions Hi, Sorry, I'm a nooby and I'm sure this has been covered already but I simply cant find the correct shortcut to the hack (or whatever). I've a Japanese market Lumix GF2 and just want to change the menu to English for starters.

Can anyone please help or show me the correct hack, or link to it?


Panasonic GH3 Japanese model http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5901/panasonic-gh3-japanese-model- Fri, 25 Jan 2013 05:23:26 +0000 shayanxtra 5901@/talks/discussions Dear forum, I recently bought my Gh3 from Japan and I cant return it. I'm just finding out that there is no way to change the language to English. Is there a way to change the firmware? help please.

GF6 Menu language change from Japanese to English possible? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7079/gf6-menu-language-change-from-japanese-to-english-possible Mon, 27 May 2013 08:23:34 +0000 Veldef 7079@/talks/discussions Couldn't resist the temptation: bought a Pansonic GF6 in Japan during a short visit, unaware of grey import restrictions imposed; menus are thus in Japanese. Is there a hack available to change the menus to English?
