Tagged with hacked - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/hacked/p2/feed.rss Mon, 03 Jun 24 02:03:32 +0000 Tagged with hacked - Personal View Talks en-CA Short Film - "Counterfeit" http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5863/-short-film-counterfeit Mon, 21 Jan 2013 22:36:27 +0000 Xenocide38 5863@/talks/discussions Here's a short film I shot back in 2011 on a hacked GH1. I'm starting pre-production on my next short film so I'd appreciate all feedback and comments.

Dyrafjordur Trailer, A documentary shot in Iceland http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5604/dyrafjordur-trailer-a-documentary-shot-in-iceland- Fri, 28 Dec 2012 18:50:55 +0000 Imagitoriam 5604@/talks/discussions

A feature length documentary on life in Dyrafjordur, a beautiful and remote region in the West Fjords of Iceland.

Is time to hack some camera phone ! http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5345/is-time-to-hack-some-camera-phone- Sat, 01 Dec 2012 16:28:29 +0000 dadix 5345@/talks/discussions Hi. In this days some mobile phones have really good sensor. I browse youtube and I found several clips to demonstrate these facts. I see there an application called lgCamera (the free version ) which output have from 20 000 to 50 000 kb/s bitrate ! With this bitrate maybe color grading is a pleasure. Maybe someone will make a test.

Money in m'uh pocket ( green screen music video filmed with gh2 ) http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5482/money-in-muh-pocket-green-screen-music-video-filmed-with-gh2- Fri, 14 Dec 2012 09:29:07 +0000 sdope79 5482@/talks/discussions

One Love http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5476/one-love Thu, 13 Dec 2012 10:28:49 +0000 sdope79 5476@/talks/discussions

filmed with hacked gh2 and 550d with fisheye lens.

Viva Venezuela! GH1 used in short documentary about socialism in Venezuela http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5237/viva-venezuela-gh1-used-in-short-documentary-about-socialism-in-venezuela Mon, 19 Nov 2012 06:40:39 +0000 leftedit 5237@/talks/discussions let me know your thoughts! Long live the GH1 ! This is our first documentary filmed in Venezuela this year. Part 2 coming soon (longer, more depth, more interviews, more information!)

Advice on shooting situation needed involving GH3+GH2 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5365/advice-on-shooting-situation-needed-involving-gh3-gh2 Mon, 03 Dec 2012 09:23:06 +0000 bobsomebody 5365@/talks/discussions I have a shoot coming up which will involve fast motion and situations where I might only get one chance to film a clip. I need the most reliable/highest quality hack for the GH2 that will provide good slow mo if needed. I will also be mainly shooting with my GH3. The clip will be for a web/download clip so which settings do you think would make most sense-Im shooting in PAL. 720p? 24p? any advice? The footage from both cams will be mixed in the edit but I just need to match settings for both so one or the other wont seem out of place too much even after edit and grade. Thanks in advance.

Views from Talent & Tech - Chemical film is finally dead & the GH2 rates close to the big dogs! http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3816/views-from-talent-tech-chemical-film-is-finally-dead-the-gh2-rates-close-to-the-big-dogs Sat, 07 Jul 2012 14:54:29 +0000 Blackout 3816@/talks/discussions Long time no see guys. I realized this is more the place for it as the old dogs are very biased over there. I took a bit of a break from the film world to attend to some pressing needs, but I figured I'd update you and rant a little for the old school and newbs alike:

I'm an imagination person first. There's a theme park carnival universe in my head / heart - then I'm an an actor, then a writer, then a director, then a DP and then an editor (I think... the orders of those things switch around a lot - and I'm not including music or broadcasting or hosting which I did a lot of too).

Somehow after or before or quantum sideways of that I have something to do with the Thrice Great Okapi but let's not get into that now. Why must you readers always distract me? Oh wait, you haven't read this yet. It's me who's distracting me. So sorry, let me get on with it:

As the title says. Digital Film Making Finally Beats Chemical Film Making.

I just viewed Prometheus. This article is not so much about the movie plot or merits. It was OK. OK it was a little better than OK... I'd say 3 stars out of 4 for you geeks out there. It was dark and highly predictable in that same way that so many sci fi movies are with their ominous shots of Halo like activity that we've seen so many times before but it was a [i]fairly[/i] good movie none the less and the visuals are amazing!

The focus here is that it was shot, edited, and projected entirely digitally. No chemical film. Remember when CDs had AAD, DAD, DAA OR DDD? Well this was the DDD of motion pictures (and then in 3D too so really it's almost DDD+3D). I viewed it in 3D on dual 8K digital projectors from a digital source (it was shot on Red Epic digital cameras with Zeiss Ultra Prime and Angenieux Optimo Lenses) and I was so impressed that it led me to write this column that will only be appreciated by hard core film or motion picture buffs, fellow film makers, or total and absolute techy nerds.

I apologize to my regular 'wacky guy with a hat" audience about the extreme levels of techy geek I am about to enter but I am compelled to write on this for my film making friends. We really need to change that terminology to 'motion picture' or 'movie' making, because old school film making is finally really dead and unnecessary. OOPS I just blew my whole article away! That was a huge spoiler... oh well ...crap...so anyway I thought I'd give the above disclaimer, and now having done that... here we go!

Chemical film is finally dead. Let me make it clear I don't say this with any sort of hatred of chemical film like it is some witch or beast that needed to be slayed. I LOVED the look of it, but it was/is just way too expensive. People who had the money liked this fact as it keep them in some sort of elitist control club. I did not. I used to have fantasies of stealing panavision film equipment when I found out they only rented and didn't sell film cameras and related equipment. I say this as a LOVER of the motion picture 24p chemical film look who has been on a loooong (add as many o's as you need to make that long really looooong) quest to make movies that looked like what...well... movies looked like... well.. at the movies!!!

I was not once ever satisfied with my 60i vhs or 8mm or hi8 or super v or even later with supposed masters work on the digitally shot and digitally projected movies from the Star Wars fiascos to the IMAX lies (especially in 3D) until now.

Watching Prometheus on dual 8K projectors was the first time I could sit closer than mid row and be absolutely immersed in the entire film without seeing the artifacts of digital film making or 3D problems. The picture was as detailed as I have ever seen - other than some outstanding real (chemical film) IMAX 3D films - but nearly the same, and there were no pixels, the brightness was excellent, the 3D did not flicker. I mean seriously - holy s*%t it finally works! Give someone a gold star sticker!!!


When Harry Met Genie - short film for the Toronto 48hr Film Project http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5335/when-harry-met-genie-short-film-for-the-toronto-48hr-film-project Fri, 30 Nov 2012 14:21:12 +0000 mattlazz 5335@/talks/discussions Hey guys, Did a short for the 2012 Toronto 48 Hour Film Project a couple weeks ago, shot on a hacked GH2 with the Panasonic 20mm + 25mm, plus the OLympus 12mm, 45mm, and 75mm:

The Hills http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5081/the-hills Fri, 02 Nov 2012 12:48:46 +0000 pvjames 5081@/talks/discussions Footage around Eastern Sierras in California.

Better Quality: http://photos.jamesthorpe.com/Other/Film/22905243_LRBs44#!i=2084189442&k=VPTsv35&lb=1&s=A

Hacked GH2 - No Spanning, multiple copies of the same file instead. http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5011/hacked-gh2-no-spanning-multiple-copies-of-the-same-file-instead. Sun, 28 Oct 2012 03:44:50 +0000 MetaControl 5011@/talks/discussions I just got the GH2 and tried some hacks, but they do not seem to work for me.

I tried Flow Motion 2 and some Driftwood series 6 settings, but I had the same problem with both of them. I did not go into quality tests yet, because I wanted to check workflow options first, with different fps settings in Flow Motion 2, without success, but also found out that spanning did not work with it and I wanted to get that right first. After some tests I found something strange happened. Instead of a range of MTS files spanning, I now get several files with the same content. The longer the clip gets, the more files there are, which makes me believe it creates a new copy of the original file every time it is supposed to span into a new clip due to the 4GB limitation. The files do have subtle differences in size, but are all around 4gigs, but I think it is only the variable bit rate. Here is some stream info example on 3 (of five) duplicate files.

\PRIVATE\AVCHD\BDMV\STREAM\00000.MTS Size = 4.305.033.216 Bytes (22.422.048 Packets) Stream: TS Max Speed = 96.897.200 bps Mode = 1080/24p Average PCR Timing Interval = 0,094 seconds Clip Duration = 0:08:06,02 PCR Duration = 0:08:06,10 Average Total Bitrate = 70.861.957 Average Video Bitrate = 69.022.876 Average Audio Bitrate = 235.013 Average Other Bitrate = 1.604.066 Max GOP Size = 4.662.528 Bytes (37.300.224 bits) Video Frame Count (All-I/P/B) = 11.653 - 971 / 2.914 / 7.767 Video Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 12.288 / 367.482 / 1.031.232 I Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 282.624 / 979.755 / 1.031.232 P Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 87.552 / 463.923 / 504.384 B Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 12.288 / 254.803 / 329.664

\PRIVATE\AVCHD\BDMV\STREAM\00001.MTS Size = 4.302.151.680 Bytes (22.407.040 Packets) Stream: TS Max Speed = 96.897.200 bps Mode = 1080/24p Average PCR Timing Interval = 0,094 seconds Clip Duration = 0:08:11,98 PCR Duration = 0:08:11,93 Average Total Bitrate = 69.956.059 Average Video Bitrate = 68.133.383 Average Audio Bitrate = 235.007 Average Other Bitrate = 1.587.668 Max GOP Size = 4.587.648 Bytes (36.701.184 bits) Video Frame Count (All-I/P/B) = 11.796 - 983 / 2.949 / 7.863 Video Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 234.240 / 362.747 / 1.009.728 I Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 945.216 / 967.698 / 1.009.728 P Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 440.640 / 470.262 / 520.704 B Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 234.240 / 246.841 / 264.192

\PRIVATE\AVCHD\BDMV\STREAM\00002.MTS Size = 4.301.021.184 Bytes (22.401.152 Packets) Stream: TS Max Speed = 96.897.200 bps Mode = 1080/24p Average PCR Timing Interval = 0,094 seconds Clip Duration = 0:08:14,99 PCR Duration = 0:08:14,87 Average Total Bitrate = 69.513.383 Average Video Bitrate = 67.701.911 Average Audio Bitrate = 234.995 Average Other Bitrate = 1.576.476 Max GOP Size = 4.569.792 Bytes (36.558.336 bits) Video Frame Count (All-I/P/B) = 11.868 - 989 / 2.967 / 7.911 Video Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 234.432 / 360.450 / 991.488 I Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 934.656 / 948.918 / 991.488 P Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 457.344 / 471.075 / 510.720 B Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 234.432 / 245.438 / 264.192

Even the clip duration seems vary, but inside premiere they are all the same length. Usually only one of the files retains any sound. I am deeply confused to what is happening, and would appreciate any insight any one might have. I will try some more settings and probably go back to stock too, just to check whether it happens there too.

One thing to note is the card I am using. I read some controversial and mostly unclear posts one which cards work or do not. I have been using a 64GB SanDisk Extreme the SDXC1 U1 Class 10 with 45MB/s. Even if, what some of the posts say, it would be only half as fast, it should still be able to keep up with the bps the tried settings use. The only other card I have to test at the moment is a 32GB Transcend Class 10, but that has only 10MB/s and is used usually for photography only. I am about to order the 64GB Extreme Pro 90MB/s but I still think the one I haver should be fine. I am not using the highest bit rates anyway...

Thanks for any knowledge you can share

Whitney I http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4638/whitney-i Wed, 19 Sep 2012 23:24:45 +0000 pvjames 4638@/talks/discussions Some footage near base of Mt. Whitney. Used Nick's Sedna AQ1 matrix.

Better quality. http://photos.jamesthorpe.com/Other/Film/22905243_LRBs44#!i=2084766486&k=b7pS5nb&lb=1&s=A

crazy music video http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4475/crazy-music-video- Wed, 05 Sep 2012 11:48:53 +0000 sdope79 4475@/talks/discussions filmed with gh2 and carbon stabilizer

and another:

A Boundless Wane - GH2 - Sedna 'A' AQ1 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4207/a-boundless-wane-gh2-sedna-a-aq1 Sat, 11 Aug 2012 08:23:27 +0000 JPB1138 4207@/talks/discussions

A creative vacation video shot on (and off) of Chebeague Island. Located a few miles off the coast of southern Maine. Shot on a Hacked GH2. Download Original for maximum quality (FINALLY a PLUS member)!

Lenses used:

Tokina 11-16mm f2,8 Lumix/Leica 25mm f1.4 Zeiss 85mm f1.4.

Filter: Singh Ray Vari-ND DUO (Vari-ND and Polarizer in one)

Simple color corrections within Final Cut Pro, and some Magic Bullet Looks

SONG: "Daily(drops) - 5/1/2012 [Day One] (1)" (Infinite Third) / CC BY-NC 3.0 soundcloud.com/infinitethird/daily-drops-5-1-2012-day-one-1

MORE INFO on how the filming process on Vimeo

Short Film "What Stays the Same" (2011) http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4009/-short-film-what-stays-the-same-2011 Sun, 22 Jul 2012 15:08:53 +0000 kromanek 4009@/talks/discussions I have since upgraded to the GH2 in which I currently have a 156mbps hack active. This film I shot late last year and my sole purpose of the film was to test the ability of the GH1 @ a low end patch, this was approx 50mbps. It went to a few festivals but I think that it should be notable enough that with an extremely low budget, a few hacks and limited equipment (cheap glass, no mechanical tools and strictly handheld) this still impresses me today. Only one issue, and it will forever be there.... shame. Let me know what you think. I shot this late last year during a 2 week break from film school, this year I plan to do big things with the GH2 and/or soon to be GH3.

Panasonic 100-300 FOV Test 1 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3956/panasonic-100-300-fov-test-1 Wed, 18 Jul 2012 13:12:27 +0000 pvjames 3956@/talks/discussions

I just wanted to share the FOV of the Panny 100-300. There was alot of wind so there was excessive RS at the telephoto end. I'll probably do one more of these tests with no wind to see if it lessens the severity of the 'vapor' artifacts. I think that will always be there but it depends on the weather. I don't believe OIS or hacks can take care of it. If you guys know of how to minimize it, please share. I may be asking too much of the cam cause the reach is an insane 1,560mm (w/ETC) :)

My latest video http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3612/my-latest-video Sun, 17 Jun 2012 19:51:35 +0000 bming1 3612@/talks/discussions Hi everyone, I shot this last week with a hacked GH2 using lpowell's Flow Motion 1.1 patch and Minolta MC and MD lenses. Would appreciate any feedback. Thanks!

GH2 hacked vs original side to side comparison http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1088/gh2-hacked-vs-original-side-to-side-comparison Sun, 02 Oct 2011 12:32:16 +0000 lolo 1088@/talks/discussions
This first test was made to see if there where any banding improvement, and are stills taken from video.

AVC-HD High settings. 42 mb/sec 1080p AQ = 4 and 34
mb/sec 720p AQ = 2. Gop default. No other AVC-HD

-mode: vibrant
-shutter: 25
-wb: 3400k

with a Canon FD 50mm 1.4,
shooted at f2 with a macro conversion ring
(i shooted in macro because thats the only time when i can see any banding issue, at least in the lcd of the gh2)

to get the unhacked firmware, pass the panasonic original firmware through the ptools, selecting no patches, and save it with a higher last number, so that the camera will update the firmware once it gets loaded on the sd card (it doesn´t work directly to the sd card)
please, those that will post other comparisons, please remember to type all the settings as i did above.
Patches will not work on hacked GH2? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3431/patches-will-not-work-on-hacked-gh2 Thu, 31 May 2012 20:34:04 +0000 Ira 3431@/talks/discussions I hacked my GH2 a while ago up to 48mbps, & have been trying to use different patches but they haven't been working. Do I need to restore it to the factory settings in order to hack it again with a new patch? Is there an easier way to apply a patch to an already hacked GH2??

GH2 hacked: Timeline Dropping footage in FCP7 log and transfer and compressor : SOS http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1655/gh2-hacked-timeline-dropping-footage-in-fcp7-log-and-transfer-and-compressor-sos Tue, 06 Dec 2011 15:15:54 +0000 Surfceo 1655@/talks/discussions I have researched for hours without finding a solution and hoping for guidance. I apologize if it has been addressed and I missed it.

Converting to Apple Pro Rez HD the Timeline is dropping the last section of clip in FCP 7 log and transfer and compressor. So a 30 second clip is transcoded to 20 seconds.

I can verify the full length of data is there watching teh AVCHD in preview but cannot get it to transcode fully. I am using a iMac 3.06, 4g ram and never had this issue prior to the hack.

I found a EOS Movie Plugin-E1 suggestion for transcoding but could not find any follow up on what the tag would be to modify the source file to recognize the GH2 and what the workflow would be in FCP to activate this plug-in.


I have a project in the can I am desperate not to have to reshoot any help would be most appreciated.
1. Can anyone advise a workflow for converting Hacked GH2 AVCHD in FCP 7 or compressor to avoid this issue?
2. I found someone is having success tried Volatic and lost even more footage….http://www.zeroplusplus.com/panasonic-gh2-42mbps-avchd-hack-panorama-stitching/
3. Even though the test file is only 30 seconds, would "not saving to an external HD" be the issue?
Hacked GH2 24p patch - Does Live Hdmi Out Monitoring work? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1975/hacked-gh2-24p-patch-does-live-hdmi-out-monitoring-work Mon, 09 Jan 2012 19:02:14 +0000 Toronto 1975@/talks/discussions Hi, I have a hacked GH1 and like it because of the blackout-powel native 24p hack that allows the native 24p where I don't have to do any fiddling with pulldown bla bla stuff at all. Problem with GH1 is that I can't have HDMI live out monitoring, so it is almost impossible for me to keep eyes in focus with a manual lens since I can't make out details well enough on the lcd screen alone. I can setup the focus sharp using the focus assist zoom at first, but if someone moves a tiny bit after recording starts then the shot is basically no good to use. I am hoping the GH2 can help me with this but I have a question about it.

Q: If I get a GH2, and hack it with the GH2 version of the blackout-powell native 24p patch, can I hook up my hdmi computer monitor to it and be able to monitor the output live with that 24p patch installed (at 1080p)? I want the live HDMI out so that I can easily see when the focus goes out and be able to keep adjusting the manual lens as I look at the hdmi computer monitor while recording. My question is I don't know if after I hack the GH2 into 24p native if it will have a live HDMI monitoring feed that is useable direct into an hdmi computer monitor or not. I read that the output from the GH2 only works in 1080i mode, so from that I was thinking if I hack it and put on the 24p native patch the hdmi out may then not work, and that I may be forced to keep it in 1080i mode only if I want to get a live HDMI feed that works into a computer monitor while recording.

I hope everyone can advise me on this if you have tried what I am talking about and know what the results are. Since I don't yet have a GH2 I can't test this and don't want to buy one unless I know I can do this because I don't want to ever again work with anything except native 24p footage, and I don't ever want to work with any new camera that can't do that and give me a live 1080 output that I can use as a focus aid while recording, since the lcd is not sufficient to visually see well enough to focus at a professional level of exactness.

The live hdmi 1080 will probably work as i or p, as long as it is true 1080 out, since I am not recording the live output to a recorder, I just need it for a visual focus aid to magnify the image into a big computer monitor so I can get better focus whenever someone moves a bit out of focus.

Thanks very much.

ISO limit removement patch problem on GH1 (Ptools 3.63d 071111) http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1611/iso-limit-removement-patch-problem-on-gh1-ptools-3.63d-071111 Thu, 01 Dec 2011 15:21:12 +0000 Asiertxu 1611@/talks/discussions
This is my first post here but I´ve been playing alot with ALL versions of Ptools since it got available!

The other day I got the chance to play with the new version of Ptools and tick the "ISO Limit Removement" check box.
The patch is not working well and saw some strange things...
All looked right as ever in the ISO area in ( Creative Movie mode). You can select the ISO you want but when you
you press the recording button, the camera inmediatelly passes to AUTO ISO mode, so the ISO value you selected is not working anymore.
I perceived some strange behaivour as well. When I changed shutter speed to high values as 100/s and above to 4000/s
all looking right but just pressing recording button the picture brightness starts to oscilate constantly...

Hope this helps to the hack improvement!
THANKS again for your efforts guys!!

Hacked GH1 and Final Cut Pro http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1052/hacked-gh1-and-final-cut-pro Wed, 28 Sep 2011 21:31:05 +0000 gohanmj 1052@/talks/discussions
1. I have hacked my previously unhackable GH17 with all of the popular patches and a couple of my own modified patches using ptool 362.

2. Of all patches I have tried, lpowell's max latitude 100mbps patch seems to have the highest average bit rate according to Media Info.

3. Media Info says the max latitude patch has a max overall bit rate of 108 Mbps and averages 20.8 Mbps

4. Media Info says that footage from my unhacked GH17 has a max overall bit rate of 18 Mbps and averages 11.8 Mbps

5. Once my footage is transferred into Final Cut Pro 7 using Pro Res 422, the data rate in FCP7 of my unhacked footage averages 17 MBps while the data rate of my hacked footage averages about 13.5 MBps.

6. This discrepancy makes no sense to me. And moreover it would seem that if you edit in FCP7 that you are better off not hacking the GH1. Is this assumption correct? Can someone share more information on this issue?]]>
Video Plays Fine on Camera but Constant Blips on Computer http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/489/video-plays-fine-on-camera-but-constant-blips-on-computer Mon, 25 Jul 2011 19:44:31 +0000 surfr1121 489@/talks/discussions
I just installed the hack the other day and everything I have shot so far has been fine with the exception of the first couple of seconds of every video having the "blip," but today it figures when I go to shoot something important the video looks fine on the camera but when I do a log and transfer in FCP7, the video has constant choppiness and "blips" all over the place. It is now completely unusable. I thought that the problem might be log and transfer but then I tried to convert it with Toast Titanium and had even stranger results. The .mts file is almost 600mb but when I drag it into Toast, it says it's 2mb and when I export it, it just exports a 1 second clip of just solid green...?? What the heck!? There must be some way to save my video! I mean if it looks good on the camera playback then the file must not be the problem right? Someone PLEASE help me out here!! I was using recommended settings of 42000000 in 24H mode if that helps...

Thanks for any input]]>
VIDEO: Panasonic GH1 - 100Mbps Hack Test http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/175/video-panasonic-gh1-100mbps-hack-test Sat, 04 Jun 2011 03:59:41 +0000 tomb 175@/talks/discussions Thanks for all your hard work Vitaliy!!!

This test was filmed using an "unhackable" Panasonic GH1. The model GH1 I had was "unhackable" until its firmware was recently hacked again by Vitaliy Kiselev. The hack was made available on May 29, 2011, using PTool 3.55d.

The hack profile settings I used for this video allow the camera to record file speeds of up to 100Mbps. This setting is not meant to be used all the time as it may cause the camera to cease recording when filming extremely detailed scenes like foliage. So to test this, I filmed...some foliage.

Most of my foliage shots (and a few shots of my beagles) were under 30 seconds. Some people report that their camera shut down after only 6-10 seconds of filming foliage with the 100Mbps patch. My camera did not give me any problems at all with the 100Mbps patch, though.

I checked out the video MTS clip files with MediaInfo and the "Maximum Overall Bitrate" is listed at 108 Mbps. Keep in mind that this doesn't actually mean that the file actually ever hit 108Mbps.
LPowell explains this :
"The 108Mbps figure that MediaInfo reports is metadata recorded in the file header by the AVCHD encoder. This tells the decoder in advance the maximum bitrate it must be prepared to decode. In practice, I have only rarely seen peak bitrates exceed 100Mbps in test files I've shot with the Max Latitude Patch. The 1-17Mbps readings are running average bitrates, which can range up to 40-50Mbps. The GH1's AVCHD encoder begins each clip with a key frame encoded with a low bitrate which then increases over time, and varies depending on the complexity of the subject matter."

Also - I wanted to test the GH1 with my Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L zoom lens. I attached the lens to my GH1 via a $30 Fotodiox EOS-MFT lens adapter.

Note that my copy of the Panasonic GH1 has some banding issues. The serial number on my camera starts with WE0G****, which means it's manufacture date was July 2010. Supposedly, the GH1 can be purchased brand new and with manufacture dates as recent as March 2011. The newer the manufacture date, the less the banding is supposed to be.

The next 2 tests that I will do with my newly hacked GH1 and it's 100Mbps patch are the following:
1. Grass shot, locked down on tripod.
2. Star chart test.
For both of these high-detail tests I will let the camera roll for as long as it will roll. I will also be using a sharp, wider Canon L series lens. My goal is to see how long of a shot I can get before the bitrate goes too high for the camera, buffer or SDHC card to handle.

Also - soon I will be posting some footage with the Canon L Series lenses and my Panasonic GH2. Then we can compare the quality of the hacked GH1, and the unhacked, newer GH2.

Then finally, when Vitaliy hacks the GH2, I'll post footage of the hacked GH2!

- - - - - - - - -


Camera: Panasonic GH1
Serial: WE0G****
Hacked Firmware: 100Mbps Max Latitude Patch V2
Film Style: "SMOOTH" (-2, -2, 0, 0)

SDHC Card: 32GB Transcend (Class 10)

Lens: Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L
Aperture: 2.8 (because the Canon EOS lens system does NOT have a MANUAL aperture, the aperture has to be set on a Canon EOS camera body...then taken off and attached to the GH1, and used with whatever aperture was set on the EOS body).
Shutter speed: Varies due to having to keep the aperture at 2.8
ISO: 160 exterior shots...between 400-640 indoor shots

CC: FCP 3-Way Color Correction (only used to correct exposure...I didn't have my LCD brightness set proper when recording)]]>