Tagged with flowmotion - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/flowmotion/p2/feed.rss Sun, 02 Jun 24 04:28:34 +0000 Tagged with flowmotion - Personal View Talks en-CA Table of the Hacks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7044/table-of-the-hacks Wed, 22 May 2013 17:32:29 +0000 blazer003 7044@/talks/discussions I was heavily involved in testing and created my own personal custom settings for the GH1. I had the camera before it was ever hacked and was really happy to be able to boost its performance. At that time I had lots of extra time to keep up to date with all the patches and to an extent, knew what each patch did.

I was late to the GH2 game (as I really was fine with my GH1 other than the terrible green banding in low light that my camera produced. Honestly, it was one of the worst I've seen of any examples) and my job in the last couple years has been more projects and less time to dink around (I'm not complaining). So I've messed around with Flowmotion, and Sanity, not as much with Driftwood as I don't have 95 MB/s cards and don't have the time. But there are so many hacks, variations of Driftwood hacks especially, that I'd like to try out, but even being an "experienced" GH hacker, there are so many out there I have a hard time wrapping my head around what they do, or claim to do and what the new settings are.

Really, it's been this way for anyone coming into the GH hacking world from the beginning with the GH1. Tons of information spread across tons of forums and topics.

So, my question is: Is there anywhere that has a simple table with a lot of the major settings and some information on what their claims, bitrates and GOPs are? Something like the attachment below (this data is probably NOT AT ALL accurate, I'm doing it as an example). If there isn't one, doesn't anyone else think that this would be extremely helpful, especially for someone who isn't on the forums every couple of days keeping updated on the latest and greatest patch? I could have done this for the GH1, but I'm not qualified (as I stated above) to do this for the GH2.

Is there someone willing to put together a rough list? Maybe a wiki page somewhere so others can add details to each?

New Orleans Street Dancer: GH2&FlowMotion V2.2 on Glidecam X-10 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6698/new-orleans-street-dancer-gh2flowmotion-v2.2-on-glidecam-x-10 Mon, 15 Apr 2013 12:52:34 +0000 ABlindGuy 6698@/talks/discussions I got this footage yesterday, have been a really big fan of this website as it convinced me to get a GH2 in the first place. Wanted to show you guys how I've been using it for the last five months.

No color grading. Downsized in Avid to fit on Vimeo.

Hope you guys enjoy.

GH2 Flow Motion v2 download http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6497/gh2-flow-motion-v2-download Mon, 25 Mar 2013 12:34:50 +0000 alexeisadovnikov 6497@/talks/discussions Can somebody direct to me the site from where I can download GH2 Flow Motion v2 hack? I already read dozens of blogs and forums- lots of discussions, but nobody provides http address for download.

Thank you, Alexei

Flowmotion Hacked Gh2 as Primary camera in a 2 or 3 camera set up... http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6315/flowmotion-hacked-gh2-as-primary-camera-in-a-2-or-3-camera-set-up... Sun, 03 Mar 2013 13:47:20 +0000 Mckinise 6315@/talks/discussions I currently have a Flowmotion 2.02 hacked GH2. I have to the money to get a second GH2 body or two Gh2 cameras with a basic 14-42 lens kit. The primary Gh2 will be used for all masters. With the secondary GH2 or GH1s used as reaction, close ups, or secondary shots, etc.

Without putting too much into grading/color correcting the videos the videos to match, would it be better to just go with a second GH2 and shoot everything twice, or just get two GH1s?

Also, if I went with the dual GH1 setup what hack would best match the GH2 Flowmotion 2.02 IQ?

Another GH2 flowmotion skatevideo http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6357/another-gh2-flowmotion-skatevideo Thu, 07 Mar 2013 10:06:46 +0000 Stiffla 6357@/talks/discussions I did a little videopart for my friend with my Gh2 and flowmotion and I still love that hack. I didn't put to much effort in editing and the intro (which sucks), but it's something. There's also a little gopro stuff used, but from now on I will work with my GH2 and AG-AC90 only as soon as it's delivered

CS5.5, import/export settings for pal footage from FLowmotion http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6078/-cs5.5-importexport-settings-for-pal-footage-from-flowmotion- Sun, 10 Feb 2013 06:01:04 +0000 SAS 6078@/talks/discussions Hello all.

I did a few searches and can see there are numerous topics scattered about, relating to Premiere Pro and Flow motion, but did not want to derail those ones as they are more focused on CS6 or Flowmotion Patch itself.

Been a while since I posted again.. Ive been experimenting with my GH2 a lot lately and have found that straight from the SD card into a Panasonic Plasma HD TV, the footage looks perfect. Then when I edit the footage together in Premiere Pro using import export settings recommended on EOSHD, I have trouble with distortion of image (graininess, low quality etc)

Can anyone suggest how to import the footage or how to set up my projects with which preset, and then suggest a custom export setting/preset that they work with using Premiere Pro CS5.5?

Basically, I use a standard GH2, hacked with Flowmotion V2.2, then a 95mbps SDXC card by Sandisk (64gb) Class 10.

In terms of my in camera settings I try to usually opt for Pal, in either HBR or Manual Movie Mode. Everything looks how I want it to when using my SD card into a friends TV as described before.

Thanks so much for any help I really appreciate all the advice I have received so far. I realise that when I have uploaded my footage to youtube and Vimeo it will be compressed somewhat but at the moment I just want to export the video at the highest possible quality so it ends up looking exactly how it did directly from SD card into TV.

Many Thanks again.


Multicopter Reel with hacked GH2 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6033/multicopter-reel-with-hacked-gh2 Wed, 06 Feb 2013 11:01:59 +0000 karpo3 6033@/talks/discussions

I shot this last August. I got Flow Motion v2 hack and shot this 720p/50fps.

ThankĀ“s all working around these amazing hacks :)!

Flowmotion hack Short Documentary "Alwine Road" http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5923/flowmotion-hack-short-documentary-alwine-road Mon, 28 Jan 2013 02:55:53 +0000 chriscalifano 5923@/talks/discussions This Short Documentary is based on an interview in studio with Josh Cameron. He talks about the journey to make his upcoming album Alwine Road. The short was shot on a hacked GH2 with 14-42 kit lens. Alwine Road will available on iTunes in 2013.

Hack suggestions for shooting 60p for use with twixtor - SanDisk Extreme Pro 95 MB/s cards http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5733/hack-suggestions-for-shooting-60p-for-use-with-twixtor-sandisk-extreme-pro-95-mbs-cards Wed, 09 Jan 2013 21:01:44 +0000 Bania 5733@/talks/discussions Hi all

For my next music video project I'll be shooting scenes in 60p which will be processed using twixtor to emulate approximate speeds between 500-1000fps.

I have invested in some SanDisk Extreme Pro 95 MB/s cards and I've searched around similar threads but most other posters are using slower cards.

So, I'm wondering if anyone has had experience shooting with these cards and if anyone can give recommendations for the best hack to use in this instance. I would like to push the cards to their upper limit without sacrificing stability.

Some of the shots I have in mind will contain large amounts of detail - splashing water, dust, etc so the higher the bit rate the better. They will all almost all be locked off frames.

Other posters have suggested the Flowmotion 2.02 is good for this purpose but the bitrate maxes out at 95 MB/s for this patch and if possible I'd like to make the most of the cards' capabilities and record at a higher bitrate. Will I be able to use one of Driftwood's 176MB/s patches? Does anyone have any experience shooting at 60p with these?

Are there other factors that I need to consider here to ensure the best workflow through twixtor?

Thanks JB

So long, but thanks for the fish... (eye) - A Protest Video. http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5603/so-long-but-thanks-for-the-fish...-eye-a-protest-video. Fri, 28 Dec 2012 15:35:11 +0000 duartix 5603@/talks/discussions @Vitaliy_Kiselev: sorry if this is the wrong place, but I feel it covers so many topics (GH2, FlowMotion2, Samyang7.5mm, capture, defishing, AE workflow, Premiere workflow) that I wouldn't know where else to put it. Let me know if you want it moved.

The short story: 31-OCT, the day the Portuguese Budget for 2013 was approved. People gathered in front of the Parliament to say we're being governed by thieves. Not very original I know, but it's a great place to shoot video and take pictures (well at last until it degenerates into mayhem which is rare around this parts but not unheard of until very recently). This is how I worked it.

1) The extremely simple setup:

GH2, screen folded back as a monitor, Transcend 32GB class 10, Samyang 7.5mm fisheye (my favorite video lens), set and forget to hyperfocal, ISO 400 I believe, SS=1/25s. Flowmotion 2 was used as I never know before hand how much video I'm going to capture or how many photos I'll be shooting, so I need something that is very good quality but doesn't make me have to change cards when something very important is happening. If the card is pre-formatted (the extended, not the quick format) it has never failed me to span.

2) The capture:

This is all about getting there up front and trying not to shake the camera. The police until very recently (and only after a 1h stone shower) has been instructed not to charge, so it's an easy job, you just dodge the TV reporters and other amateurs like me. So, here's my first mistake: the aperture is fine, this lens is sharp as an axe, but should have upped the ISO and set a faster SS because in these situations you are always bound to get bumped and it shows in wobbles after software stabilization.

3) Defishing the Samyang:

Load the MTS into AE. Export as image sequence. Use a batch (http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/comment/69869#Comment_69869) to defish the images and import the output again to AE now as image sequence. The defishing was done using the Panini projection. It's loads more natural on people than Rectilinear, it preserves a lot more corner resolution and still manages to keep a few lines straight. This was the first export and not reasonably quick because the synthesis part takes it's toll: ~2-3fps.

4) Stabilizing:

Throw AE's Warp Stabilizer on the footage. Set the "Smoothness" to 15-25% (it will require much less cropping later) set borders to "Stabilize, Synthesize Edges" (again a lot less cropping) but drop the "Synthesis Input Range" to 0,2s otherwise you'll bog AE. In this kind of footage there is usually little point in using a higher value. Skim the footage looking for black borders and try to resize and reframe it so that they don't become evident. Note: defishing after stabilizing should make more sense as you would have more image to work with (defishing crops it) but from a few rough tries, the AE stabilization isn't clearly as effective when working on fisheye footage. This was the second export and a very long one: below 1fps.

5) CC & Denoising:

Used some of ColorGHear's gears, notably GHrain killer to kill a bit of noise and blockiness, but the footage was already very clean from the start and little color correction was used, just a little bit of levels adjusment. This was the third export and I believe it was even longer than the third due to the noise reduction filters: below 0.5fps.

6) The "so long" part: video effects, tracking and subtitling:

Translations were pretty quick, the hard and long part (at least until I found out how to smooth it) was tracking. It was fastidious to track people's features, takes a long time and needs constant review and adjustment. In the end I found out a few tricks (like increasing the tracking area) and smoothing the tracking points. This eased the job a lot and gave much better results. In the end I had to do it sometimes up to 3x until I was satisfied with it. In the process I had to learn a lot about tracking, smoothing, 3D objects, texting, transitions and light sources. This was the forth, the quickest and last export, probably around 10fps.

7) Audio mixing.

This was the part I was more ignorant about, but turned out to be pretty simple. Even though it's pretty rough, the footage is little demanding with so much crowd noise. It was as simple as importing the last video export from AE into Premiere, importing the original sound, importing also "Le Tigre - Dike March 2001" cutting and pasting a few pieces of this track and adjusting the volume here and there to serve the original events while leaving the words of the protesters audible when needed and off I was to the final export.

The resulting video can be found here:

Here are a few pictures of the event.

Anything more you may want to know about any part of the process I'll be glad to detail it.

If I Had A Kite. http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5361/if-i-had-a-kite. Mon, 03 Dec 2012 01:31:02 +0000 workerb 5361@/talks/discussions This is a piece I recently finished using the Flowmotion v2.02 patch. Thank you Mr. Powell & everyone else here.


Been using FlowMotion and now can't go back to Factory Firmware 1.1 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5497/been-using-flowmotion-and-now-cant-go-back-to-factory-firmware-1.1 Sat, 15 Dec 2012 14:38:36 +0000 TVardalos 5497@/talks/discussions We were getting stops in recording and also unable to play back video in camera with FlowMotion using SDXC 95MB/s cards. We've tried everything to the exact steps to go back re-install the latest Factory Firmware and all we (both) keep getting is "No Valid Picture" instead of "Version Up?" Any advice please? Thx, Ted. tvardalos[at]gmail[dot]com

Another Codec Busting Vid shot in Hong Kong http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5359/another-codec-busting-vid-shot-in-hong-kong- Sun, 02 Dec 2012 19:43:12 +0000 Rambo 5359@/talks/discussions GH1 LPowell 75Peak patch, 720p50 1/100 shutter, 14-140 kit. GH2 Flowmotion 2.02 HBR 1080p25 1/50, 14mm kit pancake. Sennheiser K6 Shotgun direct into GH2 mic socket level 1setting. Exported 720p 25fps 10Mbps for Vimeo

This stuff really stresses the AVCHD codec and the poor bugger that has to shoot it :-)

It's Always Sunny With.... Flowmotion Skatepark Edit http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5123/its-always-sunny-with....-flowmotion-skatepark-edit Tue, 06 Nov 2012 09:27:39 +0000 Stiffla 5123@/talks/discussions Hi,

we had been been filming for 2 month in Vienna and this is what came out. I used Flowmotion 2.02 in HBR mode. So far I do not regret it, nevertheless 50p would have been better for slowmotion.

Critical feedback will be much appreciated.

Paintball anyone? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4865/paintball-anyone Thu, 11 Oct 2012 10:34:54 +0000 tnt59 4865@/talks/discussions Hey guys, I've been reading on the forum for about a year and managed to equip myself since then. I'm part of a milsim paintball team (military simulation) and I'm also passionate about filming.

I though it would be cool to show you what it looks like, since you made it possible with all the knowledge found here.

Anyway, this is THE FIRST TIME that I ever shoot with it so I can see lot of improvements that need to be done.

Used Flowmotion with nikkor 35mm f/2, all manual mode, very little grading and bit ruff edit since I shot and edit all of it in 1 and a half day.

Difficulties with the audio, but this wont last ;)

Getting to the bottom of the noise http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4609/getting-to-the-bottom-of-the-noise Mon, 17 Sep 2012 07:54:05 +0000 Bania 4609@/talks/discussions Hi Guys.

I've just started reviewing footage from a recent shoot and am a little perturbed by the amount of noise showing up in shadow details. The problem has occurred on a range of shots in different lighting conditions and even at very low ISOs.

I was using a GH2 for the shoot, with LPowell's Flowmotion 2.02 hack. This was the first time I had used a Gh2 (let alone a hacked one) so it was certainly a baptism of fire. For the majority of shooting I was using a lumix 7-14 ultra-wide lens.

I've uploaded a short clip with three different shots, each displaying the telltale noise. In the first, the noise is visible above the character's foot, on the side of the piano. This was shot at a ISO800 so it makes sense that there will be noise. Still, it seems like there is more than there should be. the second clip was shot at iso160 yet there is still a fair amount of noise showing up in the man's beanie. In the third clip, also shot at iso160, again there is a lot of noise in the man's sweatshirt.


I didn't fully test the patch and cam before the shoot so at the end of the day it's my problem, but I'm hoping someone can shed some light on the source of the issue so I can avoid this next time around.


A short skatetrip with my GH2 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4718/a-short-skatetrip-with-my-gh2 Wed, 26 Sep 2012 03:15:41 +0000 Stiffla 4718@/talks/discussions I did a 4 day trip through Austria with my friends. Flowmotion 2.02 was used on the GH2 (thx to @LPowell), the picture is superb.

Shot in 720p50, smooth -2,-2,0-2 As second camera we used a 60D with a wide angle lens. Even on Vimeo you can see the difference between those two cameras

Fall Gliding - Fieldtest Using Flowmotion 80% on Glidecam http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4642/fall-gliding-fieldtest-using-flowmotion-80-on-glidecam- Thu, 20 Sep 2012 20:25:16 +0000 pchristoph 4642@/talks/discussions
Shot using Lpowell FM 2.02 80% slomo 24H - Thanks for this great work! I have many reasons to stick with my GH2, warts and all. Like great great images thanks to the wizardry of lpowell, cbrandin, driftwood, vitaliy. So much hard work...much appreciated. This is a field test of the 80% 24H in it's usefullness for some telephoto glide ideas I have for an upcoming wedding this October. Shot on a 35mm Takumar f4 1/250 Standard -2-2-2-2. Glidecam HD4000 5D2RGB. no color correction

Best Black&White (B&W) FIlm mode and setting for straight Black&White work http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4332/best-blackwhite-bw-film-mode-and-setting-for-straight-blackwhite-work Wed, 22 Aug 2012 17:32:33 +0000 mastroiani 4332@/talks/discussions Hello, I'm shooting a short film this Saturday which will be B&W end result. Im wondering if anyone can recommend best settings or film modes or patches for this kind of work. I'm a complete newbies to hacking and right now I'm using FlowMotion V2.02 patch for all around work. I like the idea of having just one patch setting for everything, but not sure what would be best for B&W.

I know that Nostalgic film mode has best dynamic range (from what I've read), but I also read on EOSHD Guide to GH2 that Black and White Smooth Film mode on GH2 is supposed to have the best DR and smoothest gradation out of all film modes. Should I just shoot Black and White Smooth mode straight in the camera or do use another mode and then do B&W in post? How about the best patch?

Any input is appreciated enormously,

Thank you so much.

Driftwood vs Flowmotion v2 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4233/driftwood-vs-flowmotion-v2 Mon, 13 Aug 2012 13:35:30 +0000 johnnygh2 4233@/talks/discussions Hi all can some explain the main differance between these to hack patches? Which one you like and why?

One Camera, One Lens, One Patch, Handheld Goodness http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3533/one-camera-one-lens-one-patch-handheld-goodness Sun, 10 Jun 2012 17:55:31 +0000 Rambo 3533@/talks/discussions GH2 14-140 Panny FM - By LPowell Handheld in DIY waterproof housing Shot 720p50 1/100, rendered 720p25 @ 10mbps in Sony Vegas Pro for Vimeo

Visual Event Coverage ArtForm - Watch and become immersed in the beauty of the sea and the people who ride it's motion. All the action starts 2:00, nice slowmo sequence at 7:25

Bach to the future http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2891/bach-to-the-future Mon, 16 Apr 2012 13:06:43 +0000 DrDave 2891@/talks/discussions
