Tagged with bug - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/bug/feed.rss Sun, 02 Jun 24 04:21:33 +0000 Tagged with bug - Personal View Talks en-CA GH5 AF Lock with an external monitor http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/24682/gh5-af-lock-with-an-external-monitor Mon, 02 Nov 2020 10:55:08 +0000 LongJohnSilver 24682@/talks/discussions I switched my AF setting to AF Lock ON and AF Lock Hold ON as I've always done since GH2 but now I have an external monitor.

It doesn't work with an external monitor connected: I'm in AFS and a single press of the AF Lock button should focuses the subject and lock the focus.

I press the button, I see AFL on the display but the camera doesn't focuses. I shut off the external monitor or I disconnect the hdmi cable and everything works again.

The strange thing is that the setting I normally use for macro (AF-Lock: AF-ON) works perfectly. I found several post on the net. It's not the cable and not the monitor. Do you know if a workaround exists? I have the latest fw.

P.S. I forgot to say I'm a underwater videographer, so the camera is inside an uw housing hence no magical Jedi tricks as touch screen AF or manual focus for WA shots.

GH5 always making new folders...bug? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/21094/gh5-always-making-new-folders...bug Mon, 10 Dec 2018 13:38:58 +0000 htinla 21094@/talks/discussions I recently obtained a GH5 and I've noticed that it keeps making new folders whenever I power down the camera. Hence, a folder may have just a few image/video files when another folder is created automatically. A search on the net has shown that others have experienced this too. However, I haven't been able to find a remedy, that is, if one even exists. My camera has firmware v2.4 and I format my SD cards in-camera. Has anyone here noticed this behavior too? If so, have you found a fix?

Lightroom 5 preset bug simple workaround http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10410/lightroom-5-preset-bug-simple-workaround Mon, 19 May 2014 15:11:10 +0000 maxr 10410@/talks/discussions Some LR 5 users, myself included, have reported a huge slowdown while just going through a preview of the photos in the library module; still present in version 5.4 (Mavericks 10.9.3)
It seems it's a bug related with big amounts of develop presets. So, till almighty sloppy dog adobeeee decides to fix this bug, a workaround is to (please archive first) delete as many as possible. I confirm this is the case. Don't expect miracles, but performance wise you'll notice an increase right away.

Some Windows users had same bug showing differently, when trying to undo, LR applied a preset instead.
SAME WORKAROUND in those cases too =)

Little rant, sorry if you're dating an adobe employee :P

I've been a LR user since version 1 and I don't really know what's going on with the preset indexing or the previewing of images, but since LR 4 it's an awful mess making zero difference being the catalog big or small. That said I’m tired to be continously forced to do things out of my pace and to upgrade / update and find fixings for what seems the pandora box of bugs. For me Lightroom has become very very inefficient, as much as I like grampas, you'll raise hell on earth if you put a 95 year old pot lover directing air traffic at the control tower of a major airport. This is how I feel these days working with LR.

Mavericks doesn't help and neither disabling compressed memory (´sudo nvram boot-args=”vm_compressor=1″´) – actually worsen results – neither purging the memory (´sudo purge´) have had any palpable improvements. So as much I dislike the idea of having yet another step in the process, I started to seriously test Photo Mechanic (which is like the Millenium Falcon to public transportation) and Darktable 1.4.2 (free) as folder based raw image viewers. It has come to a point where I admit that if I hadn’t +35K photos catalogued with LR I’ll switch to other platform… there are certainly better colour engines out there, specially for µFT raws ,-)

That's all folks, viva la amistad!!


Apologies in advance for this GH2 ISO question http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9661/apologies-in-advance-for-this-gh2-iso-question Tue, 18 Feb 2014 21:25:43 +0000 matt_gh2 9661@/talks/discussions Sorry guys for this ISO question - have a shoot tomorrow with a GH2 and forgot the rule about what ISO setting you should be on when you turn your camera off, in order to avoid the ISO bug when you turn camera on next. Anybody remember correct ISO to leave camera at when you turn it off? (Searched ISO bug topic but couldn't find).

Thanks and apologies for bringing up this old ISO demon topic!

GH2 can't playback after being returned to stock firmware http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6720/gh2-cant-playback-after-being-returned-to-stock-firmware Wed, 17 Apr 2013 02:45:28 +0000 jonmarcos 6720@/talks/discussions I have a GH2 that was hacked and running the 88 patch. While shooting the battery ran out and the camera shut down. When I put in the fresh battery, I could record no problem, but i could no longer do any playback. When I got home I returned the camera to the original firmware, but not matter what I do I cannot get the camera to go into playback mode. Every time I hit the playback button the screen goes black and I get the SLEEP CANCEL" message. When I try and change the settings in the playback menu, it won't let me and the menu mode closes and goes back to shooting mode. I've tried everything, card reformatting, shooting in different modes, and resetting all settings, but nothing seems to work.

Any suggestions?

GH2 ISO noise bug at 320, 640, and 1250 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1280/gh2-iso-noise-bug-at-320-640-and-1250 Tue, 25 Oct 2011 22:00:03 +0000 balazer 1280@/talks/discussions
Switching to ISO 320: low noise from 400, 500, or sometimes 640; high noise from all others and from power off
Switching to ISO 640: low noise from 800, 1000, or 1250; high noise from all others and from power off
Switching to ISO 1250: low noise from 1600 or 2000; high noise from all others and from power off

I couldn't detect the bug when switching to any of the other ISO settings - if it's there, it's subtle. But for 320, 640, and 1250, it was unmistakable. Aside from the bug, I would say that none of the ISO levels seemed particularly more or less noisy than would be expected. I'd say to use whatever ISO level you need, being careful to avoid the bug.

Note that it is not sufficient to simply switch from any higher ISO to avoid the bug.

A good practice for ISO 320, 640, and 1250 would be to switch to the ISO setting 1/3 stop higher, and then back down. (i.e., 400 to 320, or 800 to 640, or 1600 to 1250). ]]>
Mac gamma issue with GH2 footage - still a problem with FCPX ? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4092/mac-gamma-issue-with-gh2-footage-still-a-problem-with-fcpx- Mon, 30 Jul 2012 18:29:57 +0000 jimtreats 4092@/talks/discussions Hey folks.

I've read a few things here and there on this site and the internet about importing our clips to look the best, with 5DToRGB offering improvements to sub-sampling and perhaps this gamma issue that certainly effected FCP7, and Premiere on Mac, and in some footage perhaps Windows too.

There are some discussions about whether its an issue for FCPX or not.

I wondered if anyone here had any definitive verdict on FCPX's state in this matter?

I know I watched some footage off camera, over HDMI last night and it looked quite washed out. Watching it tonight within FCPX on my MacBook I can see that the material looks more contrasty. Obviously the two displays are different and not calibrated in any way, but does this imply a problem or not? In this case i think the footage in FCPX looks better, though perhaps less flat and ready for grading.

I've tried opening the same file in VLC, FCPX, QuickLook and QuickTime... perhaps there are some differences between VLC and QuickLook/Time but its quite subtle. Would this imply the issue is occuring? Which would be the more "correct" playback?

Finally, if there is an issue, is it even an issue at all with a full 32bit float workflow, has anything actually been lost. The example comparisons on EOSHD's article above look like a real big difference.

The convenience of working with clips natively ingested via FCPX is sort of why I enjoy using it so i'm a little reluctant to work with another workflow, especially for one as I'm running out of disk space a little too quickly, whenever I create ProRes clips of large amounts of footage.

Would really appreciate a discussion on this, if there are any FCPX/GH2 users out there.


GH2 Patches - Failures report - Common table. http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3652/gh2-patches-failures-report-common-table. Thu, 21 Jun 2012 08:17:35 +0000 GuilleKloetzer 3652@/talks/discussions I´ve been thinking that it would be good to have a table in a dropbox or google doc where anybody can report bugs on any patch. This could be a standard and synthetic source of information or follow up of the patches performance. For the moment I think the only way to recollect info about this is to search in dozens of threads, and this is growing everyday. Is anybody doing a register already? I think the table should include the following columns: patch, brief description of bug or glitch, GH2 settings, SD card type, lens, link to download file if necessary. Any more suggestions?

thanks to anybody out there on this growing community

ISO bug? and how to proceed with my GH2 update http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2280/iso-bug-and-how-to-proceed-with-my-gh2-update Tue, 14 Feb 2012 13:28:26 +0000 chouonrow 2280@/talks/discussions HI guys! I have read (I dont know where) that my hacked firmware can have some problems to ISO, causing that the gh2 is always with "auto ISO" and i think I have this problem because you can select any of the ISO but when you press record it show "auto ISO" i think that sometimes it is really in AUTO, but i dont think if this is only on my mind :S , I make reference to 24p recording in Manual movie mode.

Anyway if you think this "problem" is only inside my mind =)... I was wondering about updating to last official version of GH2 firmware because of the 25p, which is a must for me since the region I live in, but I need those marvellous 44Mbits and so on of the hacked version... so what do you think? Must I update to official firmware? Are available the last hacked firmware that run with last Panasonic firmware? or Must I forget the official firmware?

Thanks in advance

GH13 1:1 aspect ratio display on LCD/EVF working? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1006/gh13-11-aspect-ratio-display-on-lcdevf-working Thu, 22 Sep 2011 01:08:30 +0000 stoney 1006@/talks/discussions
GH2VK having no such issue.]]>
One area is darker on footage. http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/503/one-area-is-darker-on-footage. Tue, 26 Jul 2011 15:51:58 +0000 Gabel 503@/talks/discussions But a friend of mine borrowed it to shoot some stuff and said that he got this weird line over the right part of the frame. The footage he had didn't show it (but they had emptied the cards), but I shot some time-lapes today that showed the same line! The odd part was that I had one short clip that was overexposed, that didn't show this line, but all the other ones did. I did use an ND filter on these shots, but it is not on the filter itself (as some clips didn't show it). Does anybody know what could be causing this?]]>