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Capitalism: How bureaucrats solved flu problems
  • It was feared by many to be the perfect winter storm, a nightmare situation that would push our health service over the edge: the 'twin-demic' of flu, which kills about 10,000 Britons every year, and a second deadly wave of Covid-19. Thirty million people – 20 per cent more than normal, and now including all over-50s – are eligible for this year's jab.

    There's just one curious problem: flu, it seems, has all but vanished.

    The disappearing act began as Covid-19 rolled in towards the end of our flu season in March. And just how swiftly rates have plummeted can be observed in 'surveillance' data collected by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

    In the Southern Hemisphere, where the flu season happens during our summer months, the WHO data suggests it never took off at all. In Australia, just 14 positive flu cases were recorded in April, compared with 367 during the same month in 2019 – a 96 per cent drop. By June, usually the peak of its flu season, there were none. In fact, Australia has not reported a positive case to the WHO since July. In Chile, just 12 cases of flu were detected between April and October. There were nearly 7,000 during the same period in 2019. And in South Africa, surveillance tests picked up just two cases at the beginning of the season, which quickly dropped to zero over the following month – overall, a 99 per cent drop compared with the previous year.

    In the UK, our flu season is only just beginning. But since Covid-19 began spreading in March, just 767 cases have been reported to the WHO compared with nearly 7,000 from March to October last year.

    It is just one little issue - 99% of all flu diagnoses had been fully unscientific and did not involved any tests. Sometimes officials tested 50-300 people to just get some idea that flu strains actually circulate and in more than 70% of cases their vaccines actually did not match any major strains. Usually they kept being silent all this time while you had been sick (also silently at home).

    In reality all, 100% of developed countries have special plans that top health bureaucrats push to the hospitals and that tells them how many sick people can have flu written in their cards. No, people will still have same flu, but now it will be called COVID and in 2019 and prior years it will be some "cold" or other fuzzy term, In Mordor it is usually called "acute respiratory syndrome" for long long time (btw even SARS last 3 letters comes from this ancient thing).

    This is how big hierarchies of bureaucrats fully solved flu problems, for themselves, not for you. With COVID it'll be all the same, after massive vaccination they will have same guidance and plans and again you will be getting "cold" and accidental "pneumonia", but not from COVID.