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    Capitalism: Issue with mink killings
    • At first it sound all logical - virus will mutate inside minks and will become super deadly and everyone will die.

      Thing is that right now virus is mutating like mad inside real people and it is MUCH, MUCH more probable that it will be more dangerous mutations, as mutations in mink will be working better inside minks. This is whole points of successful mutations.

      Actuall issue with COVID is that it suddenly jumped to humans from at least TWO distant animals (present mass media theory is that it is both pangolins and bats) and turned out to be perfect in at least 3-4 core things. I mean, not just good, but almost theoretically 100% optimal (its ACE binding is considered if not optimal, but extremely close). Such things never had been observed in nature before.

      Next issue is that all progressive mass media and bureaucrats wanted minks to be killed for quite long time (in many countries they already made it long before coronavirus). Issue with minks is that they provide high quality and long lasting fur and you can't control its production using patents. So, it is bad for many large sponsors of animal right defenders among mass media. Even more fun is that all this ecological and animal lovers are actually fighting for producing 1-2 seasons oil based things that are 10-20x more damaging to Earth.

      And remember - this guys want to kill your home cat after they'll be done with minks. All leading media already made at least 8 attempts to push this narrative.

    12 comments 13 comments Vitaliy_KiselevNovember 2020Last reply - May 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Good story: Why Trumps of this world will be wiped out of history
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      November 25 marked the 70th anniversary of the death of Mao Anying (1922-1950). Mao Anying was the son of Mao Zedong. His mother, Mao Zedong's wife, Yang Kaihui (1901–1930), was executed in a Kuomintang prison.

      In 1942, Anying wrote three letters to Stalin, in which he asked to be sent to the front. “Dear Comrade Stalin! - he wrote. - I am a Chinese youth. In the Land of the Soviets you lead, I studied for 5 years. I love the USSR as I love China. I can’t watch the German fascists trample your country. I want to avenge the millions of killed Soviet people. I am determined to go to the front. Please support my request. Author - Mao Anying (Seryozha), date - May 1942 ". In the end, Anying succeeded in being sent to the front as a lieutenant in a tank company. He fought across Poland and Czechoslovakia, and ended the war in Berlin. His fellow soldiers knew him as the captain of the Red Army, Sergei Mayev. They considered him a Buryat.

      In 1946, Anying returned to China at the direction of his father. His father sent him to work as a farm laborer for some peasant. However, this did not last long, about three months. Only then did Mao praise his son: “Everyone should taste the bitter in his life. Before you ate bread, drank milk, and now you are in China and you need to try Shenbei plague, it is very good for your health! "

      In 1950, when the Korean War broke out, Anying volunteered for the front. He served as an interpreter at the headquarters of the future Marshal Peng Dehuai (1898-1974). It is said that during the raid of American bombers, Anying was preparing his own food - rice and eggs, and therefore did not have time to hide in a bomb shelter. Others refute this story, saying that it was invented to cast a shadow on Anying - they say, according to legend, he cooked himself delicious food, indulging his whim, and therefore became a victim of the US napalm bomb. Anyway, Anying died. Peng Dehuai was shocked by what had happened and upon arriving in Beijing asked for forgiveness from the elder Mao: “Chairman, I did not save Anying, it is my fault. Please punish me. " To which Mao replied with an extremely characteristic phrase: “An ordinary soldier died, and one should not make a special event out of this just because he is my son. It is normal that despite he is my son, the son of the Chairman of the Party, he can die as any other man in the name of the common cause of the peoples of China and Korea! "

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    Capitalism: Apple to throw largest marketing budget on BF and December sales
    • Rumors from inside Apple and from large Youtube channels and sites tell us very interesting story.

      All 100% big channels I talked with told that their marketing partners (or even channel directly) had been approached by Apple guys.
      Apple offers this year free gear as well as review guides and direct integrated product placement. This is not common for Apple before 2020.
      Main items are iPhone 12 lineup and M1 notebooks. For small channels it is usually their marketing partners who offer new Apple products for temporary lease this year.

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    MAGA: Disney is shrinking
    • Walt Disney said late on Wednesday it would lay off about 32,000 workers, primarily at its theme parks, an increase of 4,000 from the 28,000 it announced in September, as the company struggles with limited customers due to the coronavirus pandemic. The layoffs will be in the first half of 2021, the company said in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevNovember 2020Last reply - November 2020 by endotoxic Subscribe to this blog
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    Idiots: German bureaucrats will ban words racism and race
    • In a June op-ed in the tageszeitung (taz), the bureaucrats wrote “It is time that we unlearn racism. All of them. A strong sign of this would be to delete the term “Rasse” from the Basic Law.”

      In a press release on the measures, Minister Lambrecht cited similar arguments. At the drafting of the Basic Law in 1949, she said that “this sentence was a resolute contradiction to the National Socialist racial mania,” but “today […] the use of the term is no longer appropriate and can give rise to misunderstandings.”

      The catalogue of measures says that it will establish a working group between the Justice and Interior Ministries to develop a new phrasing. On this point, Lambrecht was certain that the group will create “a formulation that is both contemporary and in keeping with the spirit of the Basic Law: never again racism.”

      Idiots paired with idealism always ends bad.

      Most fun is that this exact same bureaucrats who now support rising war machine, sponsor lot of anti communist research and books (where it is 100% of lie) and also cherish and support right wing resurgence.

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    EU: Bureaucrats again lie about right to repair
    • Parliament wants to boost sustainability by promoting reuse and repairs and by tackling practices that shorten the lifespan of products.

      The resolution on a more sustainable Single Market was adopted with 395 in favour, 94 against and 207 abstentions.

      MEPs call on the Commission to grant consumers a “right to repair” by making repairs more appealing, systematic, and cost-efficient, whether by extending guarantees, providing guarantees for replaced parts, or better access to information on repair and maintenance.

      They also insist on increasing support for second-hand goods markets, call for measures to tackle practices that shorten the lifetime of a product, and endorse sustainable production. MEPs reiterate their demand for a common charger system to reduce electronic waste and want products to be labelled according to their durability (e.g. a usage meter and clear information on the estimated lifespan of a product).

      Remove obstacles that prevent repair, resale, and reuse

      To encourage sustainable business and consumer choices, MEPs push for more sustainable public procurement as well as responsible marketing and advertising. For example, when environmentally friendly claims are made in advertisements, common criteria should be applied to support such a claim – similar to obtaining ecolabel certifications. The resolution also calls for the role of the EU ecolabel to be boosted so that it is used more by industry and to raise awareness among consumers.

      Finally, the adopted text proposes new rules for waste management and the removal of legal obstacles that prevent repair, resale, and reuse. This will also benefit the secondary raw material market.

      “The time has come to use the Green Deal objectives as the foundation of a single market that promotes durable products and services by design. To achieve this, we need a comprehensive set of rules that facilitates clear and simple decisions in place of technical amendments that lack political courage and which confuse both consumers and businesses. By adopting this report, the European Parliament sent a clear message: harmonised mandatory labelling indicating durability and tackling premature obsolescence at EU level are the way forward,” said Rapporteur David Cormand (Greens/EFA, FR).


      According to a Eurobarometer survey, 77% of EU citizens would rather repair their devices than replace them; 79% think that manufacturers should be legally obliged to facilitate the repair of digital devices or the replacement of their individual parts.

      It is staggering error to hope that bureaucrats who are being bough and sold by corporations and banks will come to your rescue. They won't. They are just very old prostitutes and behave like such.

      They just want to fake it all.

      For example this shits many years ago voted for prohibiting expensive inkjet cartridges (also citing Green things) but it resulted into nothing, instead all involved got big amount of money from manufacturers who made things even worse since the time of voting.

    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevNovember 2020Last reply - March 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    EU: Bureaucrats want to sell your data to business, including medical data
    • The European Commission proposed to introduce new rules on the territory of the EU, according to which business representatives will be able to gain access to public and personal data of users. According to officials, such an approach will help create competition with American and Asian technology giants, and will also stimulate innovation.

      “Given the ever-growing role of industrial data in our economy, Europe needs an open but sovereign single data market,” commented EU Commissioner for the Internal Market Thierry Breton, adding that in terms of data, the new rules will help become Europe the number one continent in the world.

      The European Union expects that access to a large amount of user data will help companies create new products and services, as well as contribute to solving various kinds of social problems. It is also known that in order to gain access to user data, companies will not need to have a headquarters in Europe or store information arrays in the region. It will be enough to appoint local representatives, as well as to take legal and technical measures that will eliminate the need to comply with illegal requirements of third countries.

      I propose instead to allow any EU citizen to select and sell one EU bureaucrat as slave to African countries. First, it is fully politically correct and such way they could repay white debts. Second, it will solve lot of social problems as well as will create new growing market. Selling big amounts of them will also instantly lead to fast prosperity grow in EU.

    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevNovember 2020Last reply - November 2020 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    MAGA: North Korea Ballistic Missiles
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      Present estimates is that NK has at least 15 missiles with thermonuclear warheads that can reach any point in US and around 45 missiles with nuclear warheads that can reach at least 35% of US territory.

      Each year NK adds from 10 to 15 new long range missiles.

    4 comments 5 comments Vitaliy_KiselevNovember 2020Last reply - November 2020 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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